Topic: tensorflow

SD Times news digest: Fast Pair for Android, TypeScript 2.6, and eager execution for TensorFlow

Google is announcing Fast Pair, a new process for pairing Bluetooth devices on multiple Android devices. It works on Android devices that are running Google Play services 11.7+ and has compatibility back to Marshmallow. It can currently be used with Google Pixel Buds or Libratrone’s Q Adapt On-Ear, with support being added soon for Plantronics … continue reading

SD Times news digest: AlphaGo Zero, GitHub’s 2017 State of the Octoverse, and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1

DeepMind is introducing the latest version of its computer program AlphaGo. AlphaGo was the first artificial intelligence to defeat a world champion Go player, and the latest version, AlphaGo Zero, is a more powerful version of that, according to the team.  While AlphaGo learned by training on thousands of human games to learn to play Go, … continue reading

Kaldi speech recognition gains TensorFlow deep learning support

Kaldi, an open-source speech recognition toolkit, has been updated with integration with the open-source TensorFlow deep learning library. Developers Yishay Carmiel and Hainan Xu of Seattle-based IntelligentWire are behind the integration, and their plan is to use the combination to accelerate the advancement of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. IntelligentWire specializes in cloud software that … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: CatBoost

The artificial intelligence community is getting a new machine learning library to boost their research efforts. Yandex announced the open source of CatBoost this week. Despite its name, CatBoost has nothing to do with cats. Instead, it has to do with gradient boosting. “Gradient boosting is a machine learning algorithm that is widely applied to … continue reading

Zebra to open source iFactr, Bonsai’s TensorFlow support, and Datical’s DMC — SD Times news digest: June 27, 2017

Zebra Technologies is bringing its cross-platform mobile application environment to the open-source community. The company announced iFactr, the platform for OS migration in the enterprise, will be open sourced, and it will allow organizations to transition to modern mobile operating systems more easily. According to the company, iFactr allows enterprises to invest resources in developing … continue reading

software, tensorflow

Tensor2Tensor, XebiaLabs DevOps Platform, and Syncsort’s DMX CDC — SD Times news digest: June 20, 2017

Google is making it easier to experiment with deep learning technologies with the release of Tensor2Tensor (T2T). T2T is an open source system for training deep learning mobiles with TensorFlow, Google’s software library for machine intelligence. With T2T, users can create models for apps like translation, parsing, image captioning and more. T2T includes a library … continue reading


Google’s TensorFlow Object Detection API, Debian 9, and Redgate’s SQL Clone — SD Times news digest: June 19, 2017

Google wants to give the software development community the ability to add computer vision to their machine learning solutions. The company announced the TensorFlow Object Detection API, a new open-source framework built on TensorFlow. The framework gives developers the ability to construct, train and deploy object detection models, according to the company. “Creating accurate ML models … continue reading

OpenAI unsupervised learning system

OpenAI’s unsupervised system, VersionOne’s annual agile report, and DeepMind open sources Sonnet — SD Times news digest: April 7, 2017

OpenAI announced it has developed an unsupervised sentiment neuron. According to an OpenAI blog post, it “learns an excellent representation sentiment, despite being trained only to predict the next character in the text of Amazon reviews.” The representation contains a distinct sentiment neuron that contains almost all of the sentiment signal, according to OpenAI. The team explained its … continue reading

Google Cloud Container Builder, MongoDB Atlas, and Google introduces XLA—SD Times news digest: March 7, 2017

Google wants to make it easier to package software and work with containers. The company has announced the Google Cloud Container Builder, a standalone tool designed to build container images no matter the  deployment environment. Features allows users to build source and package build artifacts into Docker containers; debug failed builds; view a permanent audit … continue reading

Google TensorFlow Debugger, Jest 19, and the Qt 3D Studio—SD Times news digest: Feb. 21, 2017

Google is introducing a tool designed to help developers debug machine learning models in TensorFlow. TensorFlow Debugger aims to provide visibility into the internal structure and state of TensorFlow graphs. According to the team, compared to other debugging options, TensorFlow Debugger requires fewer lines of code, provides more graph coverage, and offers a more interactive … continue reading

Google releases TensorFlow 1.0

Google has released version 1.0 of TensorFlow, its open-source framework for scalable machine learning. The big highlights of this release were announced at Google’s TensorFlow Dev Summit in Mountain View, Calif., with a focus on artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks. According to its release notes, version 1.0 includes experimental XLA, which is a domain-specific … continue reading

Google DeepMind multi-agent research, Apache Spot, and Yahoo’s TensorFlow on Spark—SD Times news digest: Feb. 13, 2017

Google DeepMind is pinning artificial intelligent agents against each other to see how they cooperate. To research this, the team is using a game known as Prisoner’s Dilemma to test its willingness to compete and cooperate. According to the research, at times the agents worked peacefully together, but were less cooperative in complex situations or … continue reading Protection Status