Improv brings improvements to agile team standup meetings

Companies today are expanding their collaboration efforts beyond workplace chat groups and creating software delivery teams through activities like pair programming, or group hackathons. One longtime software engineer and scrum master thinks that companies can go a step further — creating collaborative groups through improv. Wayde Stallmann, who currently works as an agile coach for … continue reading

Salesforce adds new Einstein Platform Services for developers building AI into apps

When it comes to developing applications, developers are facing a host of new pressures to keep their apps relevant and useful to their users. One of these pressures is building artificial intelligence and predictive experiences into applications so users can have customize and exciting experiences. At its TrailheaDX developer conference today, Salesforce announced it’s tackling … continue reading

Synopsys calls for removal, replacement of OWASP Top 10-A7

This year, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) released its Top 10 2017 project for public review. There were two vulnerability updates to this year’s 14th release of OWASP, and although they were added to raise awareness on security risks in applications, one company is calling a movement for removal and replacement of one … continue reading

Cloudflare announces Cloudflare Developer Fund, launches Cloudflare Apps

Cloudflare is giving developers the opportunity to distribute their applications to millions of users on Cloudflare’s network. In addition to the new launch of Cloudflare Apps, the free platform for developers and app publishers, the company also announced the Cloudflare Developer Fund, a $100 million investment fund that will go towards supporting the new app initiative. … continue reading

QCon: How to create effective teams like Google

One way to accelerate the software side of human technological processes is to continuously learn and adopt new technologies and processes. But, it shouldn’t stop there, according to Matt Sakaguchi, site reliability manager at Google, who kicked off the software development conference QCon today in New York City. The motivation for his talk today stemmed … continue reading

A guide to continuous integration and delivery tools

CA Technologies: Comprised of the CA Application Test, CA Mobile Cloud, CA Release Automation and CA Service Virtualization solutions, the CA Continuous Delivery product portfolio addresses the wide range of capabilities (from pre-production to release) necessary to compete in today’s evolving digital economy. CA’s highly flexible, integrated solutions allow organizations to fully embrace the evolving … continue reading

JFrog acquires CloudMunch to drive DevOps offerings

As a way to expand on its DevOps product offerings for developers, JFrog will acquire CloudMunch, a DevOps intelligence platform. According to the company, JFrog is welcoming the entire CloudMunch company to JFrog, including CloudMunch’s teams in the Seattle and Washington area, along with Bangalore, India. CloudMunch, known for its full stack intelligence solution CloudMunch … continue reading

What continuous integration/delivery challenges does your company’s solution solve?

XebiaLabs’ Tim Buntel, Rogue Wave’s Rod Cope, HPE’s John Jeremiah, CA’s Stephen Feloney, Tasktop’s Nicole Bryan, and CollabNet’s Thomas Hooker make a case for their company’s continuous integration and delivery solutions. Tim Buntel, vice president of products at XebiaLabs: For small companies or greenfield projects where you’re starting from scratch or you’re working with one … continue reading

Getting an end-to-end perspective with continuous integration and delivery

Velocity. Quality. Traceability. Scaleability. For companies, it’s these characteristics that form the definition of “DevOps.” But it doesn’t stop there; doing DevOps right also means considering the processes, the culture, and the tools to deliver software and solutions for today’s value-hungry customers. And it still doesn’t stop there, because DevOps is all about having end-to-end … continue reading

How the growth of IoT created demand for IPv6 visibility

The common practice for monitoring the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) network traffic has been to pretend it doesn’t exist by simply ignoring it or disabling it across corporate networks. But with the growth of both IoT and hyperscale data centers, the demand for IPv6 visibility is real, and an increasing portion of the Internet-connected … continue reading

Hackolade releases version 1.7 of its data modeling software

Hackolade is giving developers a new tool compatible with the most recent MongoDB features and MongoDB Cloud Service. The data modeling for NoSQL company announced the release of Hackolade version 1.7, a new release of its data modeling software. It will support both MongoDB version 3.4 and MongoDB Atlas. Hackolade increases data agility for MongoDB … continue reading

Packt: Python is the most popular tool used by developers and tech pros

Developers are often told they need to check out what other people are learning in their sector, whether that be a popular language like Python, or a popular framework like Angular. According to a sneak peek at Packt’s annual Skill Up survey, developers and engineers in various jobs plan on learning several new tools and technologies … continue reading

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