Topic: ai

Samsung stops production of Galaxy Note 7’s, Loggly integrates with Atlassian’s JIRA Software, and FORPHEUS robot uses AI to play table tennis—SD Times news digest: Oct. 10, 2016

Samsung’s smartphone crisis has worsened after the tech giant suspended production of the Galaxy Note 7 model. This decision comes after reports of replacement smartphones catching on fire. According to Reuters, Top U.S. and Australian carriers also suspended sales or exchanges of Note 7’s, and major airlines strengthened the bans of devices brought onto planes. … continue reading

Amazon’s AI challenge, beta 10 of C#/XAML for HTML5, and Rust 1.12 released—SD Times news digest: Sept. 30, 2016

Amazon is hosting its annual competition for university students who are passionate about accelerating the field of artificial intelligence. The challenge this year is focused on developing a social bot, which Amazon’s Alexa digital assistant can use to communicate with humans on popular topics or events. For this challenge, teams will have to work in … continue reading

What is the current state of AI?

With all of the advancements made in artificial intelligence and machine learning today, there seems to be an influx of tools and solutions that are starting to leverage cognitive capabilities. But do these tools and solutions actually reflect the true meaning of AI? According to Jonas Nwuke, platform manager for IBM Watson, AI (or cognitive … continue reading

Microsoft forms AI division of 5,000, joins industry AI partnership

Following up on CEO Satya Nadella’s Monday keynote at this week’s Ignite conference, Microsoft has apparently formed an artificial intelligence division to meet the vision he outlined of smarter machines to help people be more productive and make better decisions. Also announced today is an alliance between the major players in the artificial intelligence space. Amazon, … continue reading

JetBrains releases YouTrack 7.0, tech leaders form Partnership of AI, and PostgreSQL 9.6 released—SD Times news digest: Sept. 29, 2016

JetBrains has officially released the stable version of YouTrack 7.0, complete with new features to help a team perform its daily activities. This release also focuses on reworking the Agile Board and expanding backlog functionality. With the Agile Board update, developers can now add customized issues, set visibility, and estimate their tasks without having to … continue reading

NVIDIA and TomTom develop AI, CA Technologies reports on digital transformations, and FileMaker announces new cloud platform—SD Times news digest: Sept. 28, 2016

NVIDIA and TomTom are partnering to develop a new artificial intelligence service that can create a cloud-to-car mapping system for self-driving cars. The system uses TomTom’s HD map coverage, and it uses the NVIDIA DRIVE PX 2 computing platform. The solution accelerates support for real-time in-vehicle localization and mapping for driving a vehicle on highways. … continue reading

IBM unveils Project DataWorks, QASymphony launches qTest Insights 2.0, and developers describe roadblocks to their work—SD Times news digest: Sept. 27, 2016

In order to make it easy for businesses to collect and organize their data, IBM has introduced Project DataWorks, an initiative from Watson that uses the cloud-based data and analytics platform to integrate all types of data while enabling AI-powered decision-making. Project DataWorks is available on Bluemix, IBM’s Cloud platform, and it aims to redefine … continue reading

Microsoft’s goal: Democratizing artificial intelligence

With all the talk here at Microsoft’s Ignite conference around the cloud, office productivity and collaboration (and all that goes with that), CEO Satya Nadella took the keynote stage yesterday afternoon to discuss what he sees as the next horizon of digital transformation: artificial intelligence. This, to be sure, is not about AI for the … continue reading

Apache CouchDB 2.0, CA to acquire BlazeMeter, and Datadog’s APM extension—SD Times news digest: Sept. 21, 2016

The open-source database Apache CouchDB has hit version 2.0. CouchDB is designed to scale from Big Data apps to mobile devices. “CouchDB 2.0 finally fulfills the project’s original vision to bring reliable data sync to Big Data and Mobile in one seamless solution,” said Jan Lehnardt, vice president of Apache CouchDB. “The team has been … continue reading

Technology leaders look to advance artificial intelligence

Technology leaders are looking to bring artificial intelligence out of its infancy to make breakthroughs in cognitive solutions. IBM Research announced it is teaming up with the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) at MIT to accelerate the development of machine vision. Together, the organizations will make up the IBM-MIT Laboratory for Brain-inspired Multimedia … continue reading

Telerik DevCraft R3 2016 announced, Consul 0.7, and Mozilla’s new debugger—SD Times news digest: Sept. 15, 2016

Progress has announced the latest release of its UI toolbox for web, mobile and desktop development. The latest version of Telerik DevCraft features support for Angular 2, ASP.NET Core 1.0 and Universal Windows Platform. Additional features include new CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList and RichTextBox components; new chart types; the ability to convert legacy WinForms apps to modern … continue reading

Software developers still in demand, new UC Berkeley center for AI, and Microsoft Dev Center capabilities—SD Times news digest: Aug. 30, 2016

According to recent findings from the App Association, nearly a quarter-million job openings for software developers remain unfilled in the United States. Additionally, there are more software developer jobs than qualified people to fill them, which poses problems for startups and big companies looking to hire the right talent. Currently, there are 223,054 jobs open … continue reading Protection Status