Topic: artificial intelligence

Eggplant gets acquired by Keysight Technologies

The digital automation intelligence company Eggplant is joining Keysight Technologies, a technology company that focuses on helping enterprises, service providers and governments innovate in a secure way. Together, the companies hope to advance the automated software test market. Eggplant’s software test automation platform leverages artificial intelligence and analytics to automate test creation and test execution. … continue reading adds Numerify and Experitest to its value stream portfolio

TPG Capital-backed company has announced the acquisition of Numerify and Experitest. Numerify is an artificial intelligence analytics company that will provide AI-powered business analytics while Experitest is a continuous quality provider that will add continuous testing to’s value stream platform. According to the company, Numerify will become the “central nervous system” of the … continue reading

Qualitest brings AI to its software testing and QA suite

Qualitest has announced the release of Qualisense, a new AI-powered software testing and QA toolkit. Qualisense is the next iteration of the company’s Qualisense Test Predictor service, and will be a standalone product.  The new solution will leverage machine learning to optimize testing and quality delivery, remove bottlenecks, reduce the need for certain tests, help … continue reading

NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX developer kit now available with cloud-native support

In an effort to help developers build, deploy and manage AI at the edge, NVIDIA has announced its Jetson Xavier NX developer kit with cloud-native support.  Compared to its predecessor Jetson TX2, NVIDIA explained Jetson Xavier NX delivers more than 10x higher performance and with cloud-native support can handle high AI and compute needs.  RELATED … continue reading

NVIDIA releases GPU-accelerated app framework for conversational AI services

NVIDIA announced a new solution to help organizations create artificially intelligent conversational services at its online GPU Technology Conference (GTC) this week. NVIDIA Jarvis is a GPU-accelerated app framework that leverages video and speech data to build customized, language-based AI services.  “Conversational AI is central to the future of many industries, as applications gain the … continue reading

Kite expands AI-driven code completion to JavaScript

AI coding assistant Kite has announced the release of an AI-driven code completion feature for JavaScript. Its goal in creating this feature is to reduce the need for developers to write repetitive boilerplate code. Previously the company only offered this capability for Python code.  This new JavaScript code completion ability is based on a deep … continue reading

AWS Augmented Artificial Intelligence adds human review to machine learning predictions

Amazon’s Augmented Artificial Intelligence (A21) platform is now generally available. It is a fully managed service designed to make it easy for developers to add human review to machine learning predictions so that they can review low confidence predictions made by AI.  According to Amazon, the solution can be used to help the machine extract … continue reading

White House announces call to action for the tech community to contribute to COVID-19 dataset

The White House is issuing a call to action for AI experts to develop new text and data mining techniques to analyze the newly released COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). The dataset is the most extensive machine-readable Coronavirus literature collection available was created with input from researchers and leaders from the Allen Institute for AI, … continue reading

8 top open-source community and data tools

As organizations wake up to the multitude of ways advanced technologies can augment their businesses, developers with relevant skills are becoming ever more valuable. Data is the key to a whole kingdom of opportunity, and when combined with AI and machine learning tools, the bounds of this kingdom are practically limitless.  Even for those without … continue reading

Google introduces Cloud AI Platform Pipelines

Google launched the beta of Cloud AI Platform Pipelines, which combines repeatable machine learning pipelines along with monitoring, auditing, version tracking, and reproducibility. It aims to deliver an enterprise-ready, easy to install, secure execution environment for ML workflows. AI Platform Pipelines were created because machine learning workflows can involve many steps with dependencies on each … continue reading

Analyst View: The climb to quantum supremacy

The story of Moore’s Law describes well how computing hardware has evolved and grown in performance over the life of modern computing and how in the current era the pace of that law has saturated. The switch from single to multi-core CPUs has helped keep the curve from going completely flat, but what is creating … continue reading

premium Software 3.0: Enterprise AI systems and the brave new economy

Machine learning (ML) and other artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are powerful tools with the potential to transform a wide range of processes for both consumers and companies.  Though many of these technologies are still commercially nascent, a number of startups have emerged that provide ML-based software solutions to enterprises. We believe that these “enterprise AI … continue reading Protection Status