Topic: big data

IBM unveils Project DataWorks, QASymphony launches qTest Insights 2.0, and developers describe roadblocks to their work—SD Times news digest: Sept. 27, 2016

In order to make it easy for businesses to collect and organize their data, IBM has introduced Project DataWorks, an initiative from Watson that uses the cloud-based data and analytics platform to integrate all types of data while enabling AI-powered decision-making. Project DataWorks is available on Bluemix, IBM’s Cloud platform, and it aims to redefine … continue reading

Apache CouchDB 2.0, CA to acquire BlazeMeter, and Datadog’s APM extension—SD Times news digest: Sept. 21, 2016

The open-source database Apache CouchDB has hit version 2.0. CouchDB is designed to scale from Big Data apps to mobile devices. “CouchDB 2.0 finally fulfills the project’s original vision to bring reliable data sync to Big Data and Mobile in one seamless solution,” said Jan Lehnardt, vice president of Apache CouchDB. “The team has been … continue reading

DataScience Cloud, Mesosphere’s DC/OS 1.8, and Twitter’s new MoPub modular SDK—SD Times news digest: Sept. 16, 2016

Data science solution provider DataScience Inc. has announced the release of DataScience Cloud, a new solution designed to extend data science teams. DataScience Cloud allows users to integrate a variety of data sources, browse and query data, build analyses, and deploy models throughout their organization. “The DataScience Cloud is our answer to the struggles of … continue reading

HPE’s history of deals, a new sale, and a hopeful future

Hewlett Packard Enterprise started a new chapter this Wednesday when it decided to spin off a bundle of its software assets to U.K.-based enterprise software and information business Micro Focus, creating a new entity. This US$8.8 billion decision brings HPE’s long history of software acquisitions and spinoffs into the light, and possibly foreshadows a better strategy … continue reading

Twilio’s new Twilio Enterprise Plan, Sencha’s new data visualization enhancements, and Dell closes EMC merger—SD Times news digest: Sept. 8, 2016

Today Twilio announced the availability of Twilio Enterprise. With it, the company hopes to help large enterprises build and customize cloud communication solutions at scale, which will help enterprise developers who face challenges when building applications. The new capabilities are designed to support the security, access-management and administration requirements of enterprises building cloud communication solutions. … continue reading

What real-time data streaming means for the enterprise

Big Data has introduced some notable challenges to the enterprise world. At first, it was enough to wrangle the data (structured and not) and then to glean actionable information from it, but today, enterprises are shifting their priorities toward real-time analytics and data streams. Early tools couldn’t cope with the scale or speed involved in … continue reading

SD Times GitHub project of the week: FastText

For humans, writing posts on social media just comes naturally. Humans understand each word that’s said or typed, but for machines, it’s not that easy. Understanding the meaning of words is one of the biggest challenges that artificial intelligence researchers face today, and this week’s GitHub project named fastText aims to solve that challenge. Automatic … continue reading

Microsoft UWP Community Toolkit, Twitter extends Crashlytics, and roadblocks to cloud success—SD Times news digest: Aug. 18, 2016

Microsoft is giving developers a new open-source toolkit to enable them to work with their community and contribute to the Windows SDK. The UWP Community Toolkit features capabilities such as helper functions, custom controls and app services for developers; open-source code; and alignment with the Windows SDK for Windows 10. Developers can use the toolkit … continue reading

Gradle 3.0, Sumo Logic’s Unified Logs and Metrics solution, PNDA comes to Linux—SD Times news digest: Aug. 16, 2016

Gradle 3.0 has been released with fixes in the Gradle Daemon with specific fixes on Windows platforms, as well as the first support for Gradle Script Kotlin (a Kotlin-based build language for Gradle scripts). The support for Gradle Script Kotlin provides deep integration with both Eclipse and IDEA, including things such as auto-completion, refactoring, and navigation … continue reading

Hewlett Packard Enterprise to acquire SGI to extend leadership in high-growth Big Data analytics and high-performance computing

Hewlett Packard Enterprise announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire SGI, a global leader in high-performance solutions for compute, data analytics and data management, for $7.75 per share in cash, a transaction valued at approximately $275 million, net of cash and debt. SGI products and services are used for high-performance computing (HPC) … continue reading

Hortonworks updates DataFlow platform to 2.0

Hortonworks announced today that it has updated its Hortonworks DataFlow (HDF) platform with new features and updated Apache projects. HDF 2.0 includes a drastically redesigned Apache NiFi project, better handling of cluster-wide security policies, and a more portable version of its dataflow management layer. Apache NiFi is at the top of the list of changes. … continue reading

MapR closes $50 million in funding on top of another record quarter

MapR Technologies, Inc., provider of the industry’s only Converged Data Platform, today announced an equity financing of $50 million. The additional funding accompanies yet another consecutive record quarter. The company continued to advance at a rapid pace in Q2, with more than a 100 percent increase in bookings over prior year. Licenses and support agreements … continue reading Protection Status