Topic: github

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Nyoka

Software AG is aiming to bring the burgeoning world of artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, machine learning and deep learning in line with the statistical and data mining industry standard of the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML). Nyoka is a Python library, compatible with Python 3.5+, which features full support for the PMML XML-based predictive model … continue reading

GitHub introduces Project Paper Cuts to address issues in existing workflows

GitHub is addressing small to medium-sized workflow problems that get under developers’ skin. The company announced Project Paper Cuts to fix problems, iterate on UI/UX and make improvements. “We know that all development teams work a little differently. Since we can’t possibly consider all development practices, we turn to our community for feedback and data … continue reading

Sonatype introduces DepShield for identifying vulnerable open-source components in GitHub

Sonatype wants to make it easier for developers to have open-source governance with the release of Sonatype DepShield. The solution is a GitHub application that integrates directly within repositories, enabling developers to identify vulnerable open-source components. According to the company, DepShield constantly monitors projects and automatically creates issues when security vulnerabilities are detected. It offers … continue reading

SD Times news digest: GitHub’s open-source load balancer, Sauce Labs’ Continuous Testing Services, and Eggplant Release Insights

GitHub has announced that its load balancer, GLB Director, is now open source. According to the company, GLB Director is a Layer 4 load balancer that can scale an IP address across a large number of physical machines while minimizing connection disruption during changes in servers. GitHub hopes that by open-sourcing the solution, others will … continue reading

GitHub announces new account security and recovery practices

GitHub wants to improve security with new capabilities and best practices for account security and recoverability. The company announced it will be enforcing more secure passwords by creating its own version of the project, which users could use to check for passwords that were found in available sets of breach data. The dataset is … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Yale looks at modern cybersecurity challenges, LG AI research lab and GitHub Desktop 1.3

Yale University is releasing a new report on the challenges and problem areas of cyber risk in today’s modern world. The report is based off of discussions from the second annual Yale Cyber Leadership Forum in April. The forum looked at the divide between the law, technology, and business communities as well as focused on … continue reading

SD Times news digest: GitHub + Google Cloud Build, Dynatrace’s support for GCP, and F# 4.5

In order to simplify continuous integration, Google Cloud Build is being added to GitHub. Cloud Build enables developers to make fast, consistent, and reliable builds across all languages. The integration makes it easy to set up CI through Google Cloud Build, and then automate builds and tests as part of a GitHub workflow. GitHub is … continue reading

microsoft quantum katas

Microsoft releases open-source Quantum Katas tutorials for quantum computing

In order to give coders a head-start on quantum computing and learning its Q# programming language for quantum computing, Microsoft has launched the open-source Quantum Katas tutorial project. “Coding katas are great tools for learning a programming language,” the Microsoft Quantum Team wrote in the announcement. “They rely on several simple learning principles: active learning, … continue reading

GitHub Enterprise 2.14 is now available

GitHub has announced the 2.14 release of its enterprise solution. GitHub Enterprise 2.14 adds several new developer tools and improvements to administration, and is designed to connect teams to “the power of the open source community.” According to the company, the release adds unified search, which allows developers to search for public content and collaborate … continue reading

SD Times news digest: TypeScript 3.0 RC, Microsoft Teams, GitHub’s security alerts for Python and Bootstrap 4.1.2

Microsoft is one step closer to TypeScript 3.0 with the latest release candidate of the JavaScript superset programming language. TypeScript 3.0 RC features project references, extracting and spreading parameter lists with tuples, richer tuple types and support for React’s defaultProps. According to the company, the biggest feature it worked on for this release is the … continue reading

Open source at 20: The ubiquity of shared code

“Why is open source important? That’s like asking why is gravity important,” stated Brian Behlendorf, a leading figure in the open-source software movement, and executive director for the blockchain consortium Hyperledger. While this year marks the 20th anniversary of open source, it is hard to imagine a time before open-source software. Today, it’s difficult to … continue reading

SD Times news digest: The Linux Foundation reacts to Microsoft’s GitHub acquisition, Mozilla’s Common Voice project, and Breakthrough Technologies’ Loco platform

The Linux Foundation has released its statement on Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub. It stated that the move is probably a good thing for the open-source community as Microsoft has the means to make GitHub better. It also thinks it is a good sign that they brought in Nat Friedman, who has been well-respected in the … continue reading Protection Status