If digital businesses haven’t already been preparing for the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the time is now. The regulation was adopted in April of 2016 and will officially go into effect on May 25, 2018. Despite the advance notice and warnings given, the range of GDPR preparedness is still very broad, according … continue reading
AT&T has announced plans to transform its traditional business apps with the help of microservices. The company’s technology development organization president Pam Parisian explained in order to keep up with ever-evolving technology, AT&T must find ways to deliver new functions and upgrades faster, at scale while reducing costs. “We’re helping push our industry forward to … continue reading
By now, the benefits of microservices have been well established. Reliability. Scalability. Productivity. What you don’t hear about are the tradeoffs, challenges and complexities it takes to transition from a monolith to a microservice. All of these smaller components in a microservice may make it easier to develop software, but instead of only having one … continue reading
Microsoft has announced the release of the Windows Desktop Program. The program is designed to give developers insight into how their desktop apps without having to cobble together a bunch of tools. The new program provides detailed information about how apps are performing, and identifies any bugs or issues that may hurt the user experience. … continue reading
IBM is announcing new tools for building artificial intelligence, blockchain, data and cloud solutions. The company announced the release of more than 120 code patterns designed to help developers better search for open source code. “These patterns do the dirty work for the developer – they are curated packages of code, one-click GitHub repos, documentation … continue reading
IBM and Pivotal Software have announced a new collaboration to provide Spring developers with more development tools at Pivotal’s annual developer conference SpringOne Platform. This collaboration will also provide support for containerized versions of IBM software that are on Pivotal Container Services. The collaboration provides new options for using IBM software, such as Open Liberty, … continue reading
Top technology companies are joining together on open-source license compliance and enforcement. Facebook, Google, IBM and Red Hat alongside the Linux Kernel Community have announced a new commitment to overcoming open-source license compliance errors and mistakes through a new community-oriented approach. “We are taking an approach to compliance enforcement that is consistent with the Principles … continue reading
Late September, IBM and the University of California San Diego announced their partnership with the opening of the Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Living Center on UCSD’s campus, the latest piece of IBM’s Cognitive Horizons Network, a research collective focused on the emerging fields of Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and machine learning. UCSD’s team of … continue reading
IBM has announced a new IBM Cloud Private software platform designed to bring the power of cloud-native environments to private clouds. The IBM Cloud Private solution enables companies to build on-premises cloud capabilities similar to public clouds, and accelerate app development. The solution is built on a Kubernetes-based container architecture, supporting Docker containers and Cloud … continue reading
The Apache Software Foundation has announced that Apache Juneau has become a Top-Level Project. Apache Juneau is a framework allowing developers to marshal Plain Old Java Objects (POJO) to a variety of content types and develop REST microservices and APIs. It is currently in used by companies such as IBM, The Open Group, and Salesforce. … continue reading
Docker announced new efforts to meet the growing demand of its Modernize Traditional Applications (MTA program) at its DockerCon Europe conference this week. The Docker MTA application allows IT groups to modernize their legacy applications without having to modify their source code. As part of the new efforts, the company announced it is expanding their … continue reading
Red Hat has announced the launch of its Container Runtime Interface 1.0 (CRI-O). This will allow containers to be run directly from Kubernetes without any unnecessary coding or tooling. Some of their goals for the project were to have stability for Kubernetes, the ability to share technologies with other projects, to be lighter weight than … continue reading