Topic: java

WaveMaker upgrades platform to support integration of apps with REST APIs

WaveMaker released major updates to its platform as a way to help enterprise developers create hybrid mobile apps developed on any technology stack. According to Vijay Pullur, CEO of WaveMaker, hybrid mobile apps offer a path between both responsive web apps and native apps. But the challenge is that building hybrid apps in the enterprise … continue reading

Amazon’s AI challenge, beta 10 of C#/XAML for HTML5, and Rust 1.12 released—SD Times news digest: Sept. 30, 2016

Amazon is hosting its annual competition for university students who are passionate about accelerating the field of artificial intelligence. The challenge this year is focused on developing a social bot, which Amazon’s Alexa digital assistant can use to communicate with humans on popular topics or events. For this challenge, teams will have to work in … continue reading

JavaOne vendors talk tools, Oracle

At Oracle OpenWorld and JavaOne this week, the software development industry was on hand to show off its new tools and to comment on Oracle’s myriad announcements. Oracle founder and chairman Larry Ellison doubled-down on cloud technologies, offering more cloud services, a cloud-in-a-box on-premise system, and a road map for Java EE. On the outside, … continue reading

Red Hat’s Java language support for Visual Studio Code available for developers

Red Hat released its Java language support extension to the Visual Studio Code marketplace late last week. The release came with a list of features that will help developers make use of the Java language server. According to a blog post by Gorkem Ercan, principal software engineer with Red Hat, the abundance of frameworks, languages … continue reading

Oracle steps up its cloud game

Oracle is doubling down on cloud services and products. The company revealed at Oracle OpenWorld this morning a host of new cloud-based services ranging from container hosting on bare metal servers, to API management, to an on-premise box that bridges the gap between cloud and data center. Siddhartha Agarwal, vice president of product management and … continue reading

Java EE moves forward once again

The state of innovation in Java EE was so in question that, earlier this summer, the Java Guardians were formed to champion the platform and demand that it be pushed forward. At JavaOne today, Oracle finally detailed its plans to address the neglected enterprise Java platform. Alongside that road map came new information on the … continue reading

Java 9 to be postponed again

Oracle is yet again asking to push back the release date of Java 9. In an e-mail to Java developers, chief Java architect Mark Reinhold proposed delaying the release another four months. “I hereby propose a four-month extension of the JDK 9 schedule, moving the General Availability (GA) milestone to July 2017. I’ll make a … continue reading

Proposal has NetBeans moving to Apache Incubator

This story has been updated to clarify the details of Geertjan Wielenga’s proposal. Geertjan Wielenga, working on behalf of Oracle, submitted a proposal to bring NetBeans to the Apache Software Foundation. Wielenga has been the project manager of NetBeans for many years, and his proposal seeks to bring NetBeans to a neutral third party so … continue reading

Yahoo open-sources Pulsar, SourceClear supports Vulnerable Method detection, and Huawei announces BES Cloud—SD Times news digest: Sept. 9, 2016

Yahoo announced that its highly scalable, low latency pub-sub messaging system is now open-source. The system provides pub-sub messaging semantics and is what Yahoo uses to provide messaging as a hosted service. Developers that use Pulsar can set up a centrally managed cluster to provide pub-sub messaging as a service. Since the system is horizontally … continue reading

Twilio’s new Twilio Enterprise Plan, Sencha’s new data visualization enhancements, and Dell closes EMC merger—SD Times news digest: Sept. 8, 2016

Today Twilio announced the availability of Twilio Enterprise. With it, the company hopes to help large enterprises build and customize cloud communication solutions at scale, which will help enterprise developers who face challenges when building applications. The new capabilities are designed to support the security, access-management and administration requirements of enterprises building cloud communication solutions. … continue reading

New features for Azul’s Zing 16.07, Quill 1.0 released, and Synopsys’ new Virtualizer tool set—SD Times news digest: Sept. 7, 2016

Azul Systems has announced the general availability of version 16.07 of its Zing runtime for Java, which is a drop-in replacement for legacy Java Virtual Machines. According to the TIOBE Index, Java remains the most popular programming language across enterprises, and is used by companies like Google and Oracle. However, Java can still experience problems … continue reading

Google releases set of beta features in Google Cloud Endpoints

Google has announced the open beta release of a new set of features that will help developers manage their APIs with Google Cloud Endpoints, an API-management suite that runs on the Google Cloud Platform. The Google Cloud Endpoints suite lets developers deploy, protect and monitor APIs written in any language. Besides the Endpoints suite, Google … continue reading Protection Status