Topic: security

4 DevSecOps mistakes to avoid

DevSecOps isn’t just a practice, it’s a continuous learning experience. If you want to be successful faster, avoid these common misconceptions. #1: Business as usual is good enough Cybercriminals are constantly changing their tactics. If your organization’s application security practices are static, they aren’t as robust as they should be. RELATED CONTENT:  How to get … continue reading

premium Solving your data problem with customized software

Large legacy enterprises have a data problem. Decades of iterative infrastructure updates via relatively small investments have resulted in information silos scattered across different systems and in different formats. For example, a hospital may have patient records in one location and accounting data in another. All of this data is managed by different teams with … continue reading

RSA: Google Cloud security updates, Imperva advanced bot protection solution, Code42 insider threat detection, and Elastic’s integrated security offerings

In order to improve cybersecurity efforts, new tools are being released this week at the RSA Conference in San Francisco. The conference brings together top cybersecurity professionals and business leaders to discuss emerging trends and formulate the best strategies for tackling current and future threats. The new tools include solutions that speed up security testing, … continue reading

Open Cybersecurity Alliance announces new language for connecting cybersecurity tools

The Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) announced the availability of OpenDXL Ontology, its open-source language for connecting cybersecurity tools through a common messaging framework.  “With open source code freely available to the security community, OpenDXL Ontology enables any tool to automatically gain the ability to communicate and interoperate with all other technologies using this language,” the … continue reading

Microsoft releases Threat Protection with support for iOS and Android

Microsoft has announced the general availability of its cybersecurity solution. Microsoft Threat Protection (MTP) is designed to provide security checks across users, emails, applications, and endpoints. The solution alerts users and takes action using AI so that security professionals can automatically detect, investigate, and stop coordinated multi-point attacks, Microsoft explained In addition, it weeds out … continue reading

The Linux Foundation reveals the most commonly used open-source software components

The Linux Foundation is addressing structural and security complexities in today’s modern software supply chains with the release of the ‘Vulnerabilities in the Core,’ a preliminary report and census II of open-source software.  The report was put together by the Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative and the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH).  RELATED … continue reading

EU rejects Facebook’s proposed online regulations

Facebook’s proposal to the EU to tone down what the company called “intrusive regulations,” was rejected. European commissioner for the internal market Thierry Breton said that it was up to Facebook to adopt Europe’s standards, and not the other way around.  The proposal came in the form of a whitepaper, which argued to ensure accountability … continue reading

Synopsys helps developers analyze open-source and proprietary code simultaneously

Synopsys announced that it will release a major update to the Polaris Software Integrity Platform to extend its static application security testing (SAST) and software composition analysis (SCA) capabilities through the native integration of the Code Sight plugin. The new update will allow developers to find and fix security weaknesses in both proprietary code and … continue reading

‘Security debt’ focus of 2019 State of Software Security report

In 2011, Marc Andreessen wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal that included the now-famous phrase “software is eating the world.” Eight years on, that statement rings truer than ever. It’s not a stretch to say that software is eating the cybersecurity world as well. The fallout from not integrating security early in the … continue reading

Edge security is a paradox

The security of edge devices presents both a major challenge and an opportunity for building more modern edge security practices. Edge devices exist outside of the protections that IT data centers provide, according to Patrick Sullivan, the global director of security at Akamai.  One of the most prominent concerns is the physical security of the … continue reading

Parasoft partners with HackEDU to empower software developers with context-sensitive Application Security Training

Parasoft, the global automated software testing authority since 1987, announced today their partnership with HackEDU, an interactive cybersecurity training company. This new partnership will allow organizations to train their developers and testers on the latest threats and mitigations for modern secure software development. Parasoft offers the best in class Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) solutions, and … continue reading

Neo4j Graph Database 4.0 released with a reactive architecture

Neo4j Graph Database 4.0 has been released with a new reactive architecture to provide a “very responsive, elastic and robust” database, the company explained. In addition, the latest release features new multi-database capabilities, Neo4j Fabric, and a schema-based security model.  According to Neo4j, the 4.0 release of the graph database addresses the broad and complex … continue reading Protection Status