When it was announced on June 8 that OpenSSL was vulnerable to a dangerous new attack that could reveal security certificates to an attacker, the Internet spent a few days in panic mode. Thousands, if not millions, of sites used (and still use) OpenSSL, and the fix for the problem took a few days to … continue reading
Samsung indefinitely postpones launch of Tizen-powered Samsung Z It’ll be a bit longer before we see a Samsung phone running Tizen OS. Samsung announced it is delaying sales of the Samsung Z smartphone, the company’s first device running Tizen, the rival mobile platform to Android and iOS. Samsung canceled a developer conference in Russia where … continue reading
Logs were previously the last-resort debugging tool that a developer or Ops pro turned to when a serious issue arose. They were seen as complex data streams that only the most sophisticated and knowledgeable of engineers could understand. However, today, thanks to log-management innovations like real-time analysis, parsing and event visualizations, logs are now used … continue reading
Microsoft Security Intelligence Report shows prevalence of deceptive download malware in 2013 … continue reading
Today marks a public service announcement to remind Internet users to protect their online identity … continue reading
John Podesta’s group finds Big Data is very beneficial but can also lead to discrimination and privacy breaches … continue reading
Google Glass software that allows users to detect surveillance cameras takes the technology in an unpleasant direction … continue reading
Microsoft is working to fix a remote code execution vulnerability in Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11 … continue reading
For smaller companies, they must use code that they can’t verify themselves, leading to risky situations … continue reading
Developers can now define their own threats and migrate preexisting threat models … continue reading
Augmented reality browser add-on for the wearable device uses open data to map surveillance cameras worldwide … continue reading
New mobile security layers scans apps post-installation to detect malicious code … continue reading