Topic: software development

Analyst Watch: Picking the strongest product partner

When HP split into HPE and HP Inc. the smart money seemed to be on HPE. That was where the CEO that architected the deal was and were most of the growth seemed to be largely because “everyone” knew that PCs were dead. But HP has been growing the laptop computer and printer segment significantly … continue reading

Red Hat Ansible

Red Hat to power enterprise IT automation with Ansible

Red Hat revealed its vision of an automated world at its open-source technology event Red Hat Summit today, and that vision is being powered by Ansible. Ansible is the company’s IT automation solution for application deployment, configuration management and continuous delivery. With Ansible, the company hopes to bring automation into enterprise management solutions. “By bringing … continue reading


SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: GitPitch

GitPitch is taking developers out of Powerpoint and Keynote, and giving them a new solution to create interactive slideshow presentations. GitPitch is an open-source project for developers using GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. It enables developers to turn markdown into online and offline presentations. “You can use it to promote, pitch or present anything from … continue reading

6 ways platform-as-a-service is giving developers superpowers

We asked developers, CTOs, entrepreneurs and consultants across the country to describe concrete ways in which PaaS has changed their development style. RELATED CONTENT: Three cloud PaaS trends to watch in a serverless world 1. Reducing headcount Rob Reagan, CTO of Text Request At Text Request, we’re able to also reduce headcount using Azure’s PaaS offerings. Without … continue reading

Linkerd 1.0, Prometheus 1.6.1, and Airbnb’s React Sketch — SD Times news digest: April 26, 2017

The open-source service mesh project Linkerd has reached a milestone version of 1.0. According to Buoyant, the company behind Linkerd, version 1.0 indicates that the project now provides a stable set of features. Linkerd is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and it is designed to provide service discovering, routing, failure handling, and visibility … continue reading

Guest View: Don’t shoot the messenger — Post-mortems in software

When something goes wrong and there is a major production incident in IT, the business usually suffers.  Developing, delivering, and managing software systems and applications is complicated. People make mistakes, wrong commands get entered, bugs get introduced, and systems fail.  When something like this happens, a cascade of unintended consequences often follows. Once the dust … continue reading

Crossover acquires Engine Yard, Twistlock announces new funding, and Cisco Jasper Control Center for Mobile Enterprise — SD Times news digest: April 25, 2017

The cloud-based Ruby development team management provider Crossover is planning to develop a full-stack Ruby on Rails platform with the help of Engine Yard. Crossover announced it is acquiring the Ruby on Rails cloud platform and support provider. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. “Engine Yard has a decade of deep Ruby experience at … continue reading

Red Hat announces the Red Hat 3scale API management platform

Red Hat is releasing a fully containerized, on-premise, and end-to-end API lifecycle management solution. The company announced the Red Hat 3scale API management platform to share, secure, distribute, control and monetize APIs. “Following the rise of mobile and IoT, the API economy is emerging as one of the key foundations of enterprise software platforms. With … continue reading

The Linux Foundation announces a new IoT edge computing project: EdgeX Foundry

The Linux Foundation is on a mission to simplify and standardize the Industrial Internet of Things edge computing. The organization announced a new open-source project, EdgeX Foundry, designed to build a common open IoT solution framework. According to the Linux Foundation, while the IoT can help businesses improve efficiency and increase revenue, the complexity of … continue reading

A guide to continuous testing tools

CA Technologies: Only CA delivers next-generation, integrated solutions that enable test environment simulation; automatic test case creation, even from requirements; on-demand test data management; orchestration that progresses applications from phase to phase based upon the passing of test cases; SaaS-based performance testing; and open source integrations with tools like JMeterTM, Jenkins, Selenium, Appium, and more. … continue reading

What makes your continuous testing solution stand out?

With the vast majority of continuous testing solutions available on the market, we asked leading vendors why developers should consider their product. RELATED CONTENT: Continuous testing in a fast-paced agile and DevOps world Aruna Ravichandran, vice president of DevOps product and solutions marketing at CA Technologies: Our goal at CA Technologies is to help organizations … continue reading

Continuous testing in a fast-paced agile and DevOps world

In a world where businesses not only have to become software companies to compete, but deliver higher quality software to market faster, what does this mean for testing? Businesses and software teams have become so concerned with developing and delivering in an agile fashion, they have had to stop and rethink their entire testing process. … continue reading Protection Status