Capacitor 2.0 was released to make it easier to develop web apps that run on iOS, Android, and on the web as Progressive Web Apps powered by a single codebase. Capacitor is a native runtime developed by Ionic. According to the company, Capacitor allows users to access native mobile features like the camera using the … continue reading
Syncfusion’s Essential Studio 2020 Volume 1 includes new Kanban, Progress Bar, and Card controls in preview for the Blazor suite and the move of 11 other controls to final release. Syncfusion also added new features such as trend line support for the Charts control, and Xamarin.Forms now comes with WPF support for the DataGrid control. … continue reading
Docker announced that it is creating a new open source community to develop the Compose Specification and more flexibly support cloud-native platforms such as Kubernetes and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) in addition to existing Compose platforms. The Compose Specification is a developer focused solution for defining cloud and platform agnostic container-baed apps. “Opening … continue reading
JetBrains announced that JetBrains Academy and Educational IDEs are now available for free. “The platform allows users to combine an interactive, project-based learning platform with powerful, professional development tools,” JetBrains wrote. Educational IDEs support Java, Kotlin, Python, Scala, JavaScript, Rust, C/C++, and Go, with more languages to come. More information on available education resources is … continue reading
The Kotlin 1.3.70 update was released with new functions and classes for Kotlin collections in the standard library, various improvements in the IntelliJ Kotlin plugin, and more. It also includes faster compilation and debugging for Kotlin/Native as well as improved support for scripting in the IDE. All new functions are added to the standard library … continue reading
Amazon announced AWS DeepComposer is now generally available. The company first announced the machine learning solution at AWS re:Invent last year. AWS DeepComposer includes in-console training that enables users to train generative models without having to write any machine learning code. In addition, the composer is powered by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and allows users … continue reading
Microsoft announced the .NET 5.0 Preview 2, which contains a set of smaller features and performance improvements. This includes code quality improvements in RyuJIT and changes to the garbage collector. The company said it is continuing to work on bigger features for the 5.0, some of which are starting to show up as initial designs … continue reading
Quick Base has announced a new way for business professionals to work with IT and test low-code applications. The new Sandbox capability enables cross-functional teams to quickly create and optimize business-critical applications without risking disruption. Sandbox provides a place to easily collaborate with IT when making changes to new and existing workflows, while giving IT … continue reading
OpenTelemetry announced the first wave of beta releases for Java, Go, JavaScript, Python, and .NET Components. “We’ve made significant progress on OpenTelemetry in the last few weeks as we’ve successfully added more languages for inclusion in the beta launch. We’ll continue to add more language-specific components to the project as we move forward, bringing us … continue reading
There has been a lot of curiosity among our subscribers about HCL Software, ever since the news of HCL’s acquisition of several product portfolios from IBM closed on July 1, 2019. We were pleased to have the opportunity recently to sit down with Darren Oberst, the head of HCL Software, and get answers to … continue reading
Did you know there are at least 60 defined software development methodologies that have come out over the past five decades? The various options boggle the mind. Waterfall, lean, and agile are some of the best known, but there are so many more, including Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) and Test-Driven Development (TDD), as well … continue reading
The current novel coronavirus pandemic has locked office doors everywhere and scattered teams to their respective homes, forcing more leaders to take a different approach of steering their organizations. But at least in sectors such as software development and IT, leadership from afar is not uncharted territory, according to Dr. Vince Molinaro, a strategic leadership … continue reading