BPEL4WS Consortium: IBM and Microsoft clobbered Sun’s WSCI at the orchestration game.
Eclipse Consortium : Despite its early history and controversial dispute with Sun’s NetBeans project, IBM’s Eclipse open-source IDE project took a commanding lead, winning incredible third-party acceptance.
Embedded Linux Consortium: All key vendors collaborate to unify and enhance the platform.
International Organization for Standardization: ISO standards blessing is key for languages such as Microsoft’s C#.
Java Community Process: Rules Java, despite the proliferation of closed vendors’ “standards.”
OASIS: The powerful Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards consortium controls ebXML, UBL, UDDI and now BPEL4WS.
Object Management Group Inc.: Moved slowly on UML 2.0, but ruled with Model Driven Architecture.
UnitedLinux: Alliance of Linux Lilliputians caught the big companies’ attention.
W3C: Exerts influence on key specs, such as HTML, SOAP, WSDL and XML.
Web Services Interoperability Organization: Despite nasty politics, WS-I’s the best hope for real Web services interoperability.
JBoss Group LLC: Despite its inability to garner official J2EE certification from Sun, the JBoss app server captured significant mind share over the past year, and the company has emerged as a top Java contender.
Apache Software Foundation: The project’s Tomcat servlet container is the standard J2EE issue.
Apple Computer Inc.: Finally, Mac OS X is a platform that developers want to target.
BEA Systems Inc.: Market presence and technical excellence keep WebLogic ahead.
IBM Corp.: WebSphere emerged as the one J2EE platform everyone supports.
Mainsoft Corp.: Clearest solution for extending Windows apps to run on Unix.
Microsoft Corp.: The .NET Framework and CLR set everyone’s agenda for 2002.
Novell Inc.: Rebranded SilverStream app server remains a top Java runtime.
Oracle Corp.: Platform leader based on fast runtime, 9iDB and 9iAS integration.
Sun Microsystems Inc.: Solaris and J2EE, more than Sun ONE, keep Sun software on top.
MySQL AB: Not only has MySQL become part of the essential troika of open-source software, with Linux and Apache HTTP Server, but in 2002 the database gained a strong following among enterprise developers.
Ascential Software Corp.: Suite of data profiling and transformation tools remains without equal.
Crystal Decisions Inc.: Continues advancing as the de facto standard for database reporting.
DataDirect Technologies Inc.: Innovative JDBC/ODBC connectors address back-end performance.
Embarcadero Technologies Inc.: For data architects, DT/Studio and ER/Studio are the ones to beat.
IBM Corp.: WebSphere Everyplace is a new take on remote data access.
Microsoft Corp.: SQL Server is ubiquitous on Windows— and, now, on Windows CE.
Oracle Corp.: While DB2 and SQL Server gain traction, Oracle remains dominant.
Sybase Inc.: iAnywhere has emerged as a leader in mobile relational databases.
Thought Inc.: Leads O/R mapping by covering nearly every database and app server.
ARM Ltd.: Not only did the company’s processors and cores advance significantly in performance and efficiency, but their innovations had far-reaching implications for other vendors’ platforms.
Green Hills Software Inc.: Impressive growth was fueled by Integrity, ThreadX and fast compilers.
Intel Corp.: XScale has become one of the most attractive migration targets.
Microsoft Corp.: PocketPC Phone Edition zoomed Windows’ SmartPhone presence.
PalmSource Inc.: 32-bit Palm OS 5 for ARM added needed muscle to the handheld.
QNX Software Systems Ltd.: Momentix bundling/rebranding strategy galvanized the industry.
Qualcomm Inc.: BREW finally came of age, thanks to over-the-air provisioning.
Red Hat Inc.: Red Hat Linux led in embedded Linux designs.
Sun Microsystems Inc.: Performance jumped thanks to MIDP 2.0 and the new CLDC JVM.
Wind River Systems Inc.: New products and simplified pricing redefined the RTOS market.
BEA Systems Inc.: Having started out as an integration vendor, BEA continues to excel in its area, most recently with its Liquid Data presenting a new approach to the aggregation of disparate information sources.
Actional Corp.: SOAPswitch demonstrated Web services aggregation innovation.
Data Junction Corp.: Integration Studio is at the cutting edge of EAI and Web services.
Fiorano Software Inc.: Tifosi offered a unique and compelling view of visual app integration.
Hit Software Inc.: With Allora, presented a leading system for XML data exchange.
IBM Corp.: Despite its new name, MQSeries stays at the front of the message queue.
Sonic Software Corp.: Created a bandwagon for enterprise service bus-based architecture.
SpiritSoft Ltd.: SpiritWave excels beyond JMS with caching and traffic management.
TIBCO Software Inc.: Major message-bus vendor expanded beyond proprietary specs.
webMethods Inc.: Integration software keeps adapting to evolving platform standards.
MKS Inc.: MKS continues to expand into the enterprise with significant upgrades to Source Integrity Enterprise Edition and Integrity Manager, including an innovating federated server architecture.
CollabNet Inc.: Brings open-source collaboration tools to enterprise development.
Merant Inc.: PVCS Dimensions is still the change-management solution to beat.
Pragma Systems Corp.: ProcessMax delivers the Capability Maturity Model to the masses.
Rational Software Corp.: Now part of IBM, ClearCase holds mind share for source-configuration management.
Serena Software Inc.: ChangeMan brings unprecedented breadth to change management.
SteelTrace Ltd.: Graphical tools expand requirements management beyond techies.
TeamShare Inc.: Innovates in broad-reaching product life-cycle management tools.
Telelogic Inc.: Automated change management brings Synergy to dev teams.
VA Software Corp.: Links tools and components into complete collaborative environment.
Microsoft Corp.: Bill Gates & Co. took over the 2002 agenda with the release of the .NET platform, and of the revamped Visual Studio .NET and C# language. Through plugins and partners, it’s the IDE standard.
ActiveState Corp.: First professional-quality IDE for script-language developers.
Altova Inc.: XML Spy family emerged as the de facto standard schema editor.
Apache Software Foundation: Ant build tool improves on Make, and won Java developers’ hearts.
BEA Systems Inc.: WebLogic Workshop leads drive to visual Web services assembly.
Borland Software Corp.: Leading independent tools vendor is programmer’s powerhouse.
Macromedia Inc.: Rich Web dominance and MX family is no “Flash” in the pan.
Metrowerks: The Motorola subsidiary’s CodeWarrior rules every major embedded platform.
Migratec Inc.: Struggling firm has innovative solution for 64-bit migration.
PreEmptive Solutions Inc.: Tool for compressing and obfuscating binaries essential for ISVs.
Compuware Corp.: The premium tool lineup virtually guarantees a spot in every tester’s toolkit; from the ubiquitous BoundChecker to the DevPartner family, it’s a commanding presence in code testing/debugging.
FMS Inc.: Expanding innovative code analysis tools to cover .NET platform.
Identify Software Ltd.: With AppSight, leader with “flight recorder” approach to testing.
Mercury Interactive Corp.: Consistently delivers enterprise and Web performance management.
Parasoft Corp.: Continues expanding line of full-featured automated test tools.
Quest Software Inc.: Solutions shine in end-to-end n-tiered app performance resolution.
Rational Software Corp.: TestStudio and TestTeam, now at IBM, continue to head test-suite category.
Sanctum Inc.: AppScan first in unit-testing .NET code for security weaknesses.
Segue Software Inc.: SilkTest and SilkPilot innovate in functional, regression app testing.
Wily Technology Inc.: Market-leading tools drive distributed enterprise app monitoring.
Trolltech AB: Qt and Qt Embedded have become the libraries of choice for developers who wish to build cross-platform applications in C++. Innovations in scripting and integration set Trolltech apart in 2002.
ComponentOne LLC: Early .NET leader with GUI component subscriptions for VS.NET.
Dundas Software Ltd.: Charting innovator powers up .NET clients and ASP.NET servers.
ILOG Inc.: Multiplatform innovator in business rules and analysis components.
Infragistics Inc.: Leads with Java and C#-based .NET suites and common object model.
Logic Library Inc.: Logidex emerged as leading component archive for Java and .NET.
Rogue Wave Software Inc.: C++ component mainstay stands out with Bobcat servlet container.
Select Business Solutions Inc.: Component Architect brings rigor to the design of reusable software.
Software FX Inc.: Leading component maker offers key chart extensions for .NET.
Visual Numerics Inc.: IMSL Java libraries showed that math isn’t just for Fortran and C++.
Rational Software Corp.: Leading up to its acquisition by IBM Corp., Rational continued to be the 800-pound gorilla in the modeling space. The new XDE innovated by melding traditional modeling and visual development.
Embarcadero Technologies Inc.: ER/Studio generated buzz for both data and application modeling.
I-Logix Inc.: Rhapsody leads interactive embedded designing and modeling.
Interactive Objects Software GmbH: Innovated on styling OMG’s Model Driven Architecture.
Jcorporate Ltd.: Through Expresso, it polishes Apache’s Struts MVC framework.
MetaMatrix Inc.: Demonstrated the power of OMG’s Meta Object Facility.
Popkin Software Inc.: Takes enterprise modeling and architecture to the highest level.
Select Business Solutions Inc.: Aonix spin-off brings modeling approach to component builders.
Telelogic AB: The Tau of modeling spans enterprise and real-time applications.
TogetherSoft Inc.: Now owned by Borland, Together Control Center gave a perfect mix of code and models.