ARM Ltd.: Not only did the company’s processors and cores advance significantly in performance and efficiency, but their innovations had far-reaching implications for other vendors’ platforms.
Green Hills Software Inc.: Impressive growth was fueled by Integrity, ThreadX and fast compilers.
Intel Corp.: XScale has become one of the most attractive migration targets.
Microsoft Corp.: PocketPC Phone Edition zoomed Windows’ SmartPhone presence.
PalmSource Inc.: 32-bit Palm OS 5 for ARM added needed muscle to the handheld.
QNX Software Systems Ltd.: Momentix bundling/rebranding strategy galvanized the industry.
Qualcomm Inc.: BREW finally came of age, thanks to over-the-air provisioning.
Red Hat Inc.: Red Hat Linux led in embedded Linux designs.
Sun Microsystems Inc.: Performance jumped thanks to MIDP 2.0 and the new CLDC JVM.
Wind River Systems Inc.: New products and simplified pricing redefined the RTOS market.