Google has announced it is open-sourcing its Science Journal app. Science Journal is designed to turn Android into a mobile science solution, using the phone’s sensors to explore the world. “We believe that anyone can be a scientist anywhere. Science doesn’t just happen in the classroom or lab. Tools like Science Journal let you see … continue reading
As a way to change the way people move around cities, data visualization app Human and open-source company Mapbox are joining forces. Human is a data visualization and map showcase app that includes a free all-day activity tracker, helping its users move around and become more active. The company said it gives its users a … continue reading
Intel has unveiled Project Alloy, an all-in-one virtual reality solution that demonstrates what the future of merged reality looks like today. Project Alloy was announced at the keynote of the 2016 Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco yesterday. Alloy will deliver new immersive experiences by leveraging Intel’s RealSense technologies that are optimized for virtual reality. … continue reading
Google has announced a new video calling app, Duo, to rival Microsoft’s Skype and iOS’ FaceTime. It has been made available on Android and iOS. “Video calling is the next best thing to being with someone in person, but too often it can be a frustrating or complicated experience,” wrote Justin Uberti, principal software engineer, … continue reading
Applause released its third annual mobile retail apps report today, which highlighted what some of the top retail apps are doing right, and where some mobile apps fell short. However, the overall score of these mobile apps show development teams how far retailers still need to go to meet the needs of the user. ARC … continue reading
Google is giving Android developers new ways to stay informed about their apps. The company is updating the Google Play Developer Console app with new features for reviews and experiments. “With over one million apps published through the Google Play Developer Console, we know how important it is to publish with confidence, acquire users, learn … continue reading
The White House and the federal government is keeping the commitment to open-source software it made earlier this year. The White House has announced the Federal Source Code policy. The policy is designed to help make custom-developed source code created for the federal government easily accessible to all federal agencies. In addition to the policy, … continue reading
In order to help mobile app developers with testing apps for the Android ecosystem at scale, LinkedIn announced that Test Butler, a new suite of tools that run large scale UI testing for Android, is now an open-source project. Today, mobile app developers face a few challenges. As mobile platforms grow, developers need to put … continue reading
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has announced the availability of HPE Mobile Center 2.0. It’s an integrated software development testing suite that allows developers and organizations to rapidly test and build mobile applications. The mobile center is expanding its capabilities to give users the ability to test, monitor and improve their mobile apps. It integrates with … continue reading
MobileIron released its second edition of the Mobile Security and Risk Review 2016 today as a way to bring awareness to the challenges enterprises have with protecting their data on mobile apps and devices. The review also highlights the increase in mobile attacks and how enterprises are failing to take adequate measures to protect their … continue reading
Google is taking steps to ensure its operating system is fully protected. The company recently publicized mechanisms it uses to ensure the Linux kernel in Android is protected. According to Google, Android depends on kernel to enforce its security model. The mechanisms can be grouped into two separate categories: memory protections and attack surface reduction. … continue reading