Topic: artificial intelligence

DeepLocker demonstrates how AI can create a new breed of malware

While artificial intelligence is changing our world for the better, if put in the wrong hands, cybercriminals can figure out how to use the technology in a negative way. To stay ahead of the curve, IBM Research has announced it has been studying the evolution of this technology in order to predict new potential threats … continue reading

DARPA to explore the “third wave” of artificial intelligence

Despite the advancements made in artificial intelligence so far, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) believes there is still more work to be done. DARPA is launching the Artificial Intelligence Exploration (AIE) program as part of its broader AI investment strategy. “DARPA has established a streamlined process to push the state of the art … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Yale looks at modern cybersecurity challenges, LG AI research lab and GitHub Desktop 1.3

Yale University is releasing a new report on the challenges and problem areas of cyber risk in today’s modern world. The report is based off of discussions from the second annual Yale Cyber Leadership Forum in April. The forum looked at the divide between the law, technology, and business communities as well as focused on … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Dialogflow’s new beta features, BlackBerry’s Spark Hackathon contest, and Twitter’s new developer requirements

Google announced new beta features to its natural language processing solution Dialogflow. The features are meant to bring new capabilities to customer support and contact centers. Features include Knowledge Connectors, Automatic Spelling Correction, and Phone Gateway integration. Knowledge Connectors are meant for building conversational actions for things like FAQ and knowledge-based answers, the company explained. … continue reading

Google Cloud gets new integrations and partners at Google Cloud Next 2018

IBM announced it teamed up with Google Cloud to help build the newly announced Knative solution. The companies announced the partnership at the Google Cloud Next 2018 conference happening in San Francisco this week. Knative is an open-source project designed to enable serverless platforms to run on top of Kubernetes. “Ultimately, we anticipate Knative becoming … continue reading

Google enters the next step in AI and cloud democratization at Google Cloud Next

Google revealed new ways it is tackling AI democratization and the cloud at its Google Cloud Next 2018 conference in San Francisco this week. “What we are trying to do with Cloud AI is to make it possible for everyone in the world to use AI and to build great models for their purposes,” Rajen … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Qt Creator 4.7.0, Facebook expands AI research, and Microsoft makes new AI partnerships

Qt Creator 4.7.0 and Qt for Python is now available. Qt Creator is a cross-platform C++, JavaScript and QML IDE. The latest release features C++ support with the Clang code model being turned on by default. “It made huge progress during the last releases, and at some point we need to do this switch. The … continue reading

SD Times news digest: CI/CD for Arm developers, Cloudability’s Jira Rightsizing integration, and Microsoft’s ML.NET 0.3

Shippable has announced it is collaborating with Arm and Packet to bring a continuous integration and delivery solution to Arm developers. Through the new partnership, Shippable will host the CI/CD solution and will leverage on-demand Arm-based machines from Packet’s cloud. According to Shippable, as adoption and interest in Armv8-A architecture continues to grow, developers need … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Neurala Brain Builder beta program, Dispatch Labs developer test network, and Google Play app discovery improvements

Neurala announced plans to launch the Neurala Brain Builder beta program this month. The program is designed to streamline the creation, deployment, analysis and management of deep learning applications, according to the company. “Whereas AI applications are growing at an exponential rate, the existing workflow for creating, validating, deploying, analyzing, and improving their performance has … continue reading

Niantic to open up its AR platform to third-party developers

Niantic made headlines two years ago when it launched Pokémon GO and changed everything. It became one of the most popular mobile apps in history, and set the landscape for augmented reality developers. Today, the company is providing a preview of its Niantic Real World Platform for the first time publicly, and giving developers the … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Google Cloud IoT Core, Tencent joins Linux Foundation, and Fortanix Runtime Encryption

Google releases Android Things library for Google Cloud IoT Core Google has released the Android Things client library designed to make it easier for Android Things users to utilize Google Cloud IoT core, the fully-managed service of Google Cloud Platform for connecting, managing and ingesting globally dispersed IoT data. “The Cloud IoT Core client library … continue reading

Salesforce Research aims to capture the nuances of natural language processing

The Salesforce Research team is attempting to capture the nuances of natural language processing with a new generalized model. The team described its approach in a recently published a paper on the Natural Language Decathlon (decaNLP). According to Richard Socher, chief scientist at Salesforce who is leading the research team, while natural language processing is … continue reading Protection Status