Topic: code

SD Times news digest: JDK 14 Rampdown Phase One, Codota acquires code prediction tool TabNine, and Apache Log4J2 2.13.0

The overall feature set for JDK 14 is now frozen and includes pattern matching for instanceof, a packaging tool and NUMA-Aware Memory Allocation for G1. The developers behind JDK 14 said the the stabilization repository, jdk/jdk14, is open for select bug fixes and, with approval, late enhancements per the JDK Release Process (JEP 3). The … continue reading

Make better use of air travel: Write code

Long flights can be pretty boring, especially if like me, you have a rock-bottom boredom threshold. I routinely fly from London to San Francisco , an 11-hour daytime flight.  What to do…what to do… Maybe I watch a movie, then what? Watch another four? No matter how much reading, snoozing, eating I can do, it’s … continue reading

XebiaLabs announces new DevOps as Code features

XebiaLabs is trying to break down the barrier to entry for DevOps for development teams with the release of its DevOps as Code features for its DevOps platform. According to XebiaLabs, DevOps as Code enables teams to specify end-to-end DevOps pipeline flows, infrastructure configurations, and deployment settings. “At XebiaLabs, our ‘as code’ philosophy goes beyond … continue reading

National Coding Week kicks off today

There are hundreds if not thousands of efforts going on every year to get more people into the world of computer science. For instance, every year Computer Science Education Week kicks off with its Hour of Code to get students to dedicate one hour to coding. This week the National Coding Week kicks off, and … continue reading

premium Why writing clean code matters

Clean code — a term first coined by Robert C. Martin in his book ‘Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile craftmanship’ — is very relevant in today’s fast-paced, highly complex software development and lifecycle management environments. It makes it easier to evolve or maintain a finished product. Compare it, if you will, to the work … continue reading

5 ways static code analysis can save you

If you’re not doing static code analysis (aka static analysis), now is the time to start. Delivering code faster has dubious value if the quality degrades as development cycles shrink. On the other hand, if you’re not doing static code analysis, you’re not alone. Despite the mature age of the tool category, not a lot … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Google’s new Tensorflow-based framework, Toyota’s investment in Uber, and Mozilla’s Firefox user data

Google is releasing a new research framework for prototyping reinforcement learning algorithms. Dopamine is a Tensorflow-based framework designed with ease-of-use, reproducibility, and benchmarking in mind. Along with the framework, the company will provide a set of colabs for using the framework. For ease-of-use, Google will provide code that is compact and well-documented. For reproducibility, the … continue reading

Guest View: In praise of open source

When you think of little social movements that bring about big societal shifts, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn’t open source. But maybe it should be. The technological revolution that is steadily digitizing every nook and cranny of human activity obviously relies on code, and open-source code underpins much of the recent … continue reading

QbitLogic releases AI-powered security solution, CodeAI

QbitLogic is leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to better protect software systems. The company announced the release of CodeAI, a next generational SaaS platform designed to repair security defects before releasing solutions to the public. The company is known for its work with DARPA to build an “unhackable” drone utilizing artificial intelligence. “Bug repairs … continue reading

SD Times news digest: NativeScript 4.0, Mozilla introduces wasm-pack, and Google launches coding app for beginners

The open-source framework for developing native apps with Angular, TypeScript and JavaScript is getting a major released. NativeScript 4.0 features changes to its application root view, flexible frame composition that can be useful for implementing secondary navigation with frames, modal view changes, updated templates, and multiple independent UI components. According to the team, this is … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: C++ Core Guidelines

As the Standard C++ Foundation works to improve the C++ programming language, two C++ experts want to ensure the success of the language among developers. The C++ Core Guidelines was introduced two years ago by C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup and C++ expert Herb Sutter. It is an open source project aimed at building modern authoritative … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Fission

Built by Platform 9 and other contributors in the Kubernetes community last year, Fission is a open-source Function as a Service (FaaS) serverless framework focused on developer productivity and high performance. The framework enables developers to write short-lived functions in any language and map them to triggers such as message queues, timers, HTTP requests, or … continue reading Protection Status