Topic: facebook

SD Times news digest: Facebook open sources JavaScript engine, Micro Focus announces RPA solution, and Mobile Labs’ GigaFox StarterKit

Facebook is open-sourcing Hermes, a JavaScript engine that focuses on React Native apps and is optimized for mobile apps.  The company explained it noticed the JavaScript engine was a significant factor in startup performance and download size and decided to optimize JavaScript performance in more constrained mobile environments.  Facebook focused on interpreter performance by abandoning … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Facebook’s deep learning recommendation model, React Native 0.60 and Rust 1.36

Facebook announced that it is open-sourcing its deep learning recommendation model (DLRM) to work with categorical data, which is used to describe higher level attributes.  The open-source implementation of DLRM can be used as a benchmark to measure the speed at which a model and associated operators perform and how various numerical techniques affect its … continue reading

New machine learning inference benchmarks assess performance of AI-powered apps

Machine learning (ML) implementations in developer tools have been on the rise, prompting a consortium of some of the largest companies including Google, Facebook, Microsoft as well as a handful of universities to launch ML inference benchmarks. The MLPerf Inference v0.5 will be used to measure system performance and power efficiency of AI apps.  The … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Facebook’s business model: Radicalization

It’s oh-so-trendy to beat up on Facebook, but there is good reason. The platform collects an enormous amount of data on each of its users, but does not let you control what it collects; nor does it give you any visibility into how it is being used. Your choices are to be on the platform … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Facebook tips the scale with Libra

Last week Facebook revealed it was entering into the cryptocurrency space with the announcement of its global concurrency Libra. The word Libra is most commonly associated with the zodiac sign meaning balance and harmony. It is interesting Facebook chose this name because of all the different intricacies involved such as blockchain and privacy. Technology often … continue reading

AI robotics research platform PyRobot now open sourced

Facebook wants to accelerate AI robotics research with the open source release of PyRobot. According to the company, the project is designed as a framework and ecosystem that enables AI researchers and students to mobilize a robot in just a few hours, without specialized knowledge of the hardware or details such as device drivers, control … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Facebook’s cryptocurrency Libra, Applitools announces free OSS licensing, and’s Ionic 4 integration

After Amazon and its recent news, Facebook announced its new cryptocurrency Libra, which aims to enable developers and businesses to build new, inclusive financial service products for people all around the world, according to the company. The cryptocurrency comes with the new executable bytecode programming Move, which can be used to implement custom transactions and … continue reading

Report: React is gaining in popularity, but Angular remains in the lead

JavaScript remains one of the most popular and most-used programming languages today, with a wide variety of frameworks out there to help developers build solutions with the language. Presently, the two most popular JavaScript frameworks are Facebook’s open-source React and Google’s open-source Angular. Angular has been viewed as the number one front-end web development framework … continue reading

How hardware design needs to change to match up with AI needs

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve and grow, so must the hardware we use to power AI. During his keynote address at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference this week, Facebook vice president and chief AI scientist Yann LeCun discussed the next step for reaching AI’s potential: shifting away from GPUs and moving more towards dedicated chips.  … continue reading

Facebook launches Horizon to bring reinforcement learning to production environments

Facebook is trying to bridge the gap between reinforcement learning’s impact in research and its narrow range of use cases in production. The company’s new open-source project Horizon uses reinforcement learning to optimize products and services. Reinforcement learning creates a system that can make decisions, take actions, and adapt based on feedback. This approach can … continue reading

Report: Developers are not clear on how to get involved in the open-source community

After 20 years, the open-source community is stronger than ever. However, a recent report found developers wish they had more time and know-how to contribute to open-source projects. According the report, respondents don’t quite know where to begin and start to question their skills and time. Additionally, developers say they are either too intimidated to … continue reading

SD Times news digest: GitLab 11.4 released, breached, and Tableau’s roadmap

GitLab has announced the release of GitLab 11.4. According to the company, this update includes new features that will enable teams to more efficiently work together. The latest release will offer more efficient code reviews with new features such as Merge Request Reviews and a file tree for diffs. GitLab is also introducing Feature Flags, … continue reading Protection Status