Topic: github

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Foreign LINUX

This week’s highlighted GitHub project further breaks down the barriers between Windows and Linux. Foreign LINUX is a dynamic binary translator and a Linux system call interface emulator for Windows, capable of running unmodified Linux binaries on Windows without any drivers or modifications to the system. Developed by Xiangyan Sun, Foreign LINUX is currently in … continue reading

Google begins shutdown of its code repository

After nine years, Google’s open-source code repository, Google Code, started closing shop today by disabling new projects and announcing the permanent shut down of the service by January 26, 2016. Google Code started as Google’s answer to SourceForge, the predominant code repository back in 2006. The reliability of SourceForge was brought into question that year … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: SmileMiner

This time around on SD Times GitHub Project of the Week, we are shining the spotlight on SmileMiner, which stands for Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine. Created by Haifeng Li, a chief data scientist at ADP, SmileMiner is a comprehensive library and engine of advanced machine-learning algorithms. “SMILE is self contained and requires only … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: RancherOS

This week, we are featuring a new open-source project dedicated to Docker: RancherOS. RancherOS, created by Rancher Labs, is an operating system designed to fully embrace Docker. “At Rancher Labs we focus on building tools that help customers run Docker in production, and we think RancherOS will be an excellent choice for anyone who wants … continue reading

Microsoft acquires Android and iOS calendar app, Google releases new tools to measure cloud performance, and W3C announces the working draft of WebRTC 1.0—SD Times news digest: Feb. 12, 2015

Microsoft has officially announced its acquisition of Sunrise, developer of a next-generation Android and iOS calendar app. “We are making this acquisition because we believe a reinvention in the way people use calendars on mobile devices is long overdue. Our goal is to better help people manage and make the most of their time in … continue reading

Microsoft’s automatic code-formatting tool, and Google’s plans for HTTP/2—SD Times news digest: Feb. 10, 2015

Microsoft has announced its code-formatting tool is now available through GitHub. The tool, which is based on Roslyn, will work with any C# project and automatically formats code based on set guidelines, according to Microsoft. “We strongly believe that having a consistent style greatly increases the readability and maintainability of a codebase. The individual style … continue reading

Mozilla’s Node.js modules for Firefox OS, Git 2.3, and new hybrid Azure test environments—SD Times news digest: Feb. 6, 2015

Mozilla has open-sourced node-firefox, a collection of Node.js modules to help developers create Firefox OS apps. The modules allow developers to interact with Firefox using Mozilla’s DevTools remote protocol in their already existing Node.js tool chains, but through Mozilla’s WebIDE tool in a more terminal-based experience. Each module performs a different task in a separate … continue reading

SD Times’ GitHub Project of the Week: Dshell

The U.S. Army has released its first piece of open-source software. Dshell, this week’s GitHub Project of the Week, is an extensible network forensic analysis framework from the “cyber defenders” at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL). The “forensic analysis” code has been in use for close to five years within the military to help … continue reading

Microsoft open-sources .NET CoreCLR

Microsoft announced it has released the source code for the .NET Core Common Language Runtime (CLR) as an open-source GitHub repository. The open-source repository includes the full CoreCLR, known as the execution engine for .NET Core. The CoreCLR implementation includes the RyuJIT compiler, .NET garbage collection, the .NET native interoperability feature, and other .NET runtime … continue reading

SD Times’ GitHub Project of the Week: Shipit

For this week’s GitHub project spotlight, we’re highlighting Shipit, a universal automation engine and deployment tool written in JavaScript. Capitalizing on the popularity of Node.js and previous GitHub Project of the Week io.js, Shipit adds another layer of streamlined simplicity to the JavaScript automation process. Built as an alternative to the Capistrano open-source script deployment … continue reading

SD Times’ GitHub Project of the Week: What happens when…

GitHub has proved itself a more-than-capable platform for sharing open-source software and allowing project ecosystems to grow and thrive, but it’s also spawned a unique form of informational crowdsourcing. “What happens when…” is a prime example of this fascinating use case, and our GitHub Project of the Week. Created by Alex Gaynor, a digital service … continue reading

SD Times’ GitHub Project of the Week: io.js

Happy 2015, GitHubbers! To kick off the new year, we’re retooling our weekly feature showcasing the most popular open-source projects on GitHub. Instead of simply listing the Top 5 trending projects each week, SD Times editors will put the spotlight on one particular open-source software project we feel is unique or brings something new and … continue reading Protection Status