Topic: google

Microsoft seeks to grow Azure platform with products, partnerships

Continuing on its cloud-first, mobile-first journey, Microsoft today announced that more developers will have access to the company’s Azure cloud platform. At its second Connect conference in New York City this morning, the company said it has joined the Linux Foundation to collaborate with open-source developers, and that Google has joined the .NET Foundation. Further, … continue reading

IBM’s Project Intu, Google Slides API, and Altova MobileTogether 3.0—SD Times news digest: Nov. 10, 2016

IBM is giving developers the ability to embed Watson’s cognitive functions in their end-user device solutions. The company announced the experimental release of Project Intu, a new platform that aims to help build the next generation of cognitive experiences. Developers can use Project Intu to develop for form factors such as wearables, avatars, robots and … continue reading

Android Auto access from smartphones, Sencha announces web application platform updates, and XebiaLabs DevOps solution hits version 6.0—SD Times news digest: Nov. 8, 2016

Google has announced that Android Auto is now available in every car as a way to give drivers an easy way to access information they need. According to a blog post by Gerhard Schobbe, product manager at Android Auto, 200 car models from more than 50 brands support Android Auto. Since older vehicle models are … continue reading

DeepMind and Blizzard team up, Mozilla introduces FlyWeb, and Samsung set to launch new AI digital assistant—SD Times news digest: Nov. 7, 2016

DeepMind and Blizzard Entertainment are collaborating to open up StarCraft II to artificial intelligence and machine learning researchers globally. According to a DeepMind blog post by research scientist Oriol Vinyais, StarCraft II continues the series’ renowned eSports tradition, as the original StarCraft was played in the late 1990s yet remains popular today. StarCraft is a … continue reading

Google ends support for Eclipse Android Developer Tools

Google wants Android Studio to be the official integrated development environment for the Android operating system. The company announced that with the release of Android Studio 2.2, the IDE will no longer support the Eclipse Android Developer Tools. Eclipse Android Developer Tools includes the plug-in for the Eclipse IDE and the Android Ant build system. … continue reading

Google’s Project Tango comes to market, Microsoft Flow makes it easy to automate tasks, and Red Hat releases Ansible 2.2—SD Times news digest: Nov. 1, 2016

Google’s mobile virtual reality solution is finally becoming a reality with the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro. Google announced in June that Lenovo would provide the first Tango-enabled phone, and the device has finally begun to ship. It will come with more than 35 Tango apps with augmented reality capabilities. According to Google, with the Tango-enabled … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Apple has lost its way

OK, Apple, we get it. You want to converge your product lines into one iOS brand, with one operating system and only two or three lines of products: iPhones, iPads, and iDesktops. This is clearly the vision that Jobs was going for, and it’s an obvious goal on the road map to Apple’s future. Problem … continue reading

Apple’s new MacBook Pro, Datadog reveals machine learning feature, and IBM and Slack bring Watson to developers—SD Times news digest: Oct. 28, 2016

Apple’s launch event introduced the company’s new MacBook Pro, which comes with a new Touch Bar (a multi-touch glass strip built into the keyboard for instant access of tools). For the first time, Touch ID is available on the Mac. The new model includes high-performance processors, better storage, and better graphics. Speakers have been redesigned … continue reading

SD Times GitHub project of the week: Google Interview University

Go to Quora and type in the question, “How do I get a job at Google?” and you’ll be flooded with answers from software engineers, developers and former interns of Google. They all seem to have their own advice and strategies on how to get hired at the tech giant. John Washam, current founder and … continue reading

Google bolsters Dart, Node.js v7, and .NET Core 1.1 Preview 1—SD Times news digest: Oct. 26, 2016

Google is starting to put more energy into its programming language, Dart. The company has announced it the release of AngularDart 2.0, a framework designed for Dart and used in Google Web apps. It features API improvements, bug fixes and enhanced performance. Google also announced the developer preview of AngularDart components, such as material design … continue reading

Eyefluence joins Google, report finds smartwatch market decline, and Capriza introduces universal micro apps product—SD Times news digest: Oct. 25, 2016

Eyefluence, a company known for its eye-interaction technology, is joining the Google team. According to a blog post by Michelle Hodgden, marketing manager at Eyefluence, the company has been building advanced eye-interaction technology, and has found ways to interact with augmented and virtual reality displays. With Google, its team can continue to advance eye-interaction technology … continue reading

Guest View: Opportunity and consolidation in the API industry

APIs have been exploding in popularity as a new way to generate enterprise revenue. Huge companies like Salesforce, Expedia and eBay receive at least half of their total revenues through intelligent API utilization. Enterprises with public APIs saw 300% growth from 2014 to 2015. Companies are looking to take advantage of the API economy, and … continue reading Protection Status