Salesforce has announced Heroku Enterprise, a new edition of the Heroku cloud application development platform featuring new team collaboration tooling, enhanced access controls and enterprise-grade support. Heroku Enterprise, built for enterprise-scale development, contains several new collaboration and control features for app development in large distributed teams: Shared Application Projects: Enable developer teams, partners and contractors … continue reading
Node.js is moving to an open governance model under the auspices of the newly announced Node.js Foundation. Cloud infrastructure company Joyent, the corporate steward behind the open-source runtime technology, announced the establishment of an independent Node.js Foundation with Fidelity, IBM, Microsoft, PayPal and The Linux Foundation as founding members. Under the open governance model, the … continue reading
Mozilla has open-sourced node-firefox, a collection of Node.js modules to help developers create Firefox OS apps. The modules allow developers to interact with Firefox using Mozilla’s DevTools remote protocol in their already existing Node.js tool chains, but through Mozilla’s WebIDE tool in a more terminal-based experience. Each module performs a different task in a separate … continue reading
The U.S. Army has released its first piece of open-source software. Dshell, this week’s GitHub Project of the Week, is an extensible network forensic analysis framework from the “cyber defenders” at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL). The “forensic analysis” code has been in use for close to five years within the military to help … continue reading
After two years in development, the Scala team is finally ready to drop the experimental label off its Scala-to-JavaScript compiler and announce it is ready for production. In addition, the team announced version 0.6 of the compiler, Scala.js. According to Sébastien Doeraene, member of the Scala team, many users believe that Scala.js is already production-ready, … continue reading
For this week’s GitHub project spotlight, we’re highlighting Shipit, a universal automation engine and deployment tool written in JavaScript. Capitalizing on the popularity of Node.js and previous GitHub Project of the Week io.js, Shipit adds another layer of streamlined simplicity to the JavaScript automation process. Built as an alternative to the Capistrano open-source script deployment … continue reading
Microsoft has announced the release of version 1.4 of its TypeScript superset JavaScript programming language in conjunction with the fifth community technology preview of Visual Studio 2015. TypeScript 1.4 adds a series of type system improvements, new template strings, and support for features from ECMAScript 6, the upcoming update to the JavaScript standard. TypeScript program … continue reading
Firefox Hello, the WebRTC in-browser chat feature first included in Firefox 34, is now available to all with the launch of Firefox 35. The real-time communication feature allows users to start plug-in-free video chats within the browser in the form of a pop-up box, without the aid of a service such as Google Hangouts and … continue reading
Happy Almost 2015, GitHubbers! To cap off the year in GitHub, we have the Top 5 projects of the month of December. I wanted to do the Top 5 of 2014, but alas the GitHub trending feature doesn’t have a yearly time span option. #1: io.js, the month’s most popular project providing evented I/O for … continue reading