Topic: machine learning

Technology leaders look to advance artificial intelligence

Technology leaders are looking to bring artificial intelligence out of its infancy to make breakthroughs in cognitive solutions. IBM Research announced it is teaming up with the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) at MIT to accelerate the development of machine vision. Together, the organizations will make up the IBM-MIT Laboratory for Brain-inspired Multimedia … continue reading

Telerik DevCraft R3 2016 announced, Consul 0.7, and Mozilla’s new debugger—SD Times news digest: Sept. 15, 2016

Progress has announced the latest release of its UI toolbox for web, mobile and desktop development. The latest version of Telerik DevCraft features support for Angular 2, ASP.NET Core 1.0 and Universal Windows Platform. Additional features include new CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList and RichTextBox components; new chart types; the ability to convert legacy WinForms apps to modern … continue reading

Vision Mobile’s state of the developer nation report, Android SDK and Lyft Button, and Apple announces App Store changes—SD Times news digest: Sept. 2, 2016

Developers’ interest in Android is increasing, according to a new developer report from Vision Mobile. The report, “Developer Economics: The State of the Developer Nation Q3 2016,” found that 47% of developers are prioritizing Android in their development efforts, which is up 7% from the last six months. As a result, the number of developers … continue reading

Pebble OS 4.0’s JavaScript access, Google DeepMind tackles cancer, and SecurityScorecard partners with Columbia University—SD Times news digest: Aug. 31, 2016

The Pebble SDK 4.0 has extended access to its open JavaScript developer platform so developers can easily create new apps. Pebble OS 4.0 was released for Pebble Time, Pebble Time Steel and Pebble Time Round yesterday. While Rocky.js is still in beta, developers can begin creating watch faces in JavaScript using standard web APIs that … continue reading

Software developers still in demand, new UC Berkeley center for AI, and Microsoft Dev Center capabilities—SD Times news digest: Aug. 30, 2016

According to recent findings from the App Association, nearly a quarter-million job openings for software developers remain unfilled in the United States. Additionally, there are more software developer jobs than qualified people to fill them, which poses problems for startups and big companies looking to hire the right talent. Currently, there are 223,054 jobs open … continue reading

Facebook AI’s new algorithms, Navisens announces new technology, and Rackspace going private—SD Times news digest: Aug. 26, 2016

Humans can easily identify objects down to the very last pixel, and Facebook AI Research (FAIR) wants to push its machine vision capabilities and get machines to understand images and objects at the pixel level too. To do so, FAIR has introduced new algorithms and frameworks this week. Recently, FAIR has been designing new techniques … continue reading

Kontena’s new container platform, Google’s plans for OAuth requests, and Blueprint releases Storyteller—SD Times news digest: Aug. 23, 2016

Kontena introduced a developer-friendly container and microservices platform today to tackle some of the challenges in software development distribution. Specifically, the Kontena platform will help those in this space install, use and maintain their containers. The platform runs in the cloud, on-premises, or hybrid. The platform is scalable, so it will work for small container … continue reading

Microsoft UWP Community Toolkit, Twitter extends Crashlytics, and roadblocks to cloud success—SD Times news digest: Aug. 18, 2016

Microsoft is giving developers a new open-source toolkit to enable them to work with their community and contribute to the Windows SDK. The UWP Community Toolkit features capabilities such as helper functions, custom controls and app services for developers; open-source code; and alignment with the Windows SDK for Windows 10. Developers can use the toolkit … continue reading

Intel unveils new VR headset, Ford’s plans for autonomous ride sharing, and WalabotDIY 3D imaging tool—SD Times news digest: Aug. 17, 2016

Intel has unveiled Project Alloy, an all-in-one virtual reality solution that demonstrates what the future of merged reality looks like today. Project Alloy was announced at the keynote of the 2016 Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco yesterday. Alloy will deliver new immersive experiences by leveraging Intel’s RealSense technologies that are optimized for virtual reality. … continue reading

Google introduces two new machine learning APIs

Google is expanding its Cloud Platform to help developers build intelligent applications. The company has introduced the Cloud Natural Language API and Cloud Speech API into open beta. The Cloud Natural Language API enables developers to perform sentiment analysis, entity recognition and syntax analysis in a number of languages. Sentiment analysis aims to understand the … continue reading

Startup aims to transform the lives of the disabled with assistive open-source tech

A small Brooklyn-based team is looking to solve the real-world challenges for those with disabilities. Furenexo today debuted a wearable device, and it is encouraging developers to get involved and help create affordable solutions. Furenexo (a combination of the Japanese word “to touch” and the Spanish word “connection”) will use advancements in machine learning and … continue reading

Research paper looks at safety issues of artificial intelligence

There’s been much talk about how artificial intelligence will benefit society, but what about the potential impacts that AI has when the system is poorly designed and creates problems? This is a question several researchers and OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence research company, tackled in a recent paper. The paper was written by researchers from … continue reading Protection Status