Google is beginning its move away from the Chrome apps platform by removing support for packed and hosted apps from Chrome on Linux, Mac and Windows over the course of the next two years. According to Google’s Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, vice president of product management, approximately 1% of users on Linux, Mac and Windows actively use … continue reading
Applause released its third annual mobile retail apps report today, which highlighted what some of the top retail apps are doing right, and where some mobile apps fell short. However, the overall score of these mobile apps show development teams how far retailers still need to go to meet the needs of the user. ARC … continue reading
Kony, Inc., a leading enterprise mobility company, today announced enhanced support for applications running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and updates to its offerings in AWS Marketplace. This includes new support for AWS Mobile and IoT offerings that make it easier and faster for mobile app developers using Kony MobileFabric to develop, build and deploy … continue reading
Good programmers write good code, but great programmers DO steal. And reuse. And recycle. And this can often include recycling the bad along with the good. Bad example: Let’s look at some (in)famous virus examples. We all know that Stuxnet, DuQu, Flame, and Gauss were related in core code elements. All four have been described … continue reading
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has announced the availability of HPE Mobile Center 2.0. It’s an integrated software development testing suite that allows developers and organizations to rapidly test and build mobile applications. The mobile center is expanding its capabilities to give users the ability to test, monitor and improve their mobile apps. It integrates with … continue reading
Veracode announced Developer Sandbox today, a new feature that allows developers and security risk teams to have more control over their application security processes. With this feature, developers can review security processes early in the development life cycle, and they have the ability to scan full applications or components as they write them. This allows … continue reading
A team from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) and Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science have developed a way to let audience members experience 3D films in a movie theater without the bulky glasses. They call it Cinema 3D, and it uses a special array of lenses and mirrors that let an audience … continue reading
HTC announced the VR Venture Capital Alliance (VRVCA), a US$10 billion initiative that will put investments into long-term growth in the virtual reality industry. The VRVCA is made up of 30 virtual reality investors from all over the world. They believe that virtual reality is a “transformative technology that will revolutionize entire industries, one that … continue reading
Businesses today depend on mobile apps so they can stay in touch with their customers and maintain a strong brand. However, maintaining a mobile app for a business is just one part of the process. After searching for insight that is available to businesses for its own use and not finding any, Apteligent has created … continue reading
Since the Internet of Things is opening plenty of opportunities for businesses, Nokia created a complete solution for operators to simplify the management of millions of IoT device connections, and to help them with the development of IoT applications. Nokia is now building an ecosystem around IoT. Its portfolio contains radio, which will optimize LTE … continue reading
The UberRUSH API had been in private beta since January, and now it’s officially open to the public. The RUSH API is a solution for companies looking to build or streamline last-mile logistics. Anyone can build on-demand delivery right into an existing business, or create something on their own, according to a company announcement. Some … continue reading
Virtual personal assistants can do just about everything: They can help a person order things online, turn the lights on and off, or play music from a favorite playlist. A new personal assistant is joining the abundance of time-management tools out there, using artificial intelligence to help developers tackle the problems of managing their time … continue reading