Topic: open source

Apache Hadoop reaches 3.0

The Apache Software Foundation has announced version three of the open source software framework for distributed computing. Apache Hadoop 3.0 is the first major release since Hadoop 2 was released in 2013. “Hadoop 3 is a major milestone for the project, and our biggest release ever,” said Andrew Wang, Apache Hadoop 3 release manager. “It … continue reading

Apache Mnemonic is now a Top-Level Project

The Apache Software Foundation has announced Apache Mnemonic is graduating from the Apache Incubator to become a Top-Level Project. This signifies the project’s progress and success. Apache Mnemonic is an open-source object platform for processing and analysis of linked objects, according to the foundation. It is designed to address Big Data performance issues such as … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: RetDec

Avast has open-sourced its machine code decompiler and analytical tool, RetDec, in a move to help the cybersecurity community fight against malicious software. The tool enables you to study application code without actually having to run the application. “Decompilers can be used in a variety of situations,” wrote the Avast Threat Intelligence Team in a … continue reading

LinkedIn open sources website troubleshooting tools

LinkedIn announced the open-sourcing of two tools for investigating broken hosts and services, among other website navigation issues. Fossor (Latin for gravedigger) is a Python tool and library that automates multiple investigative checks in parallel, while Ascii Etch, another Python library, outputs information gleaned from Fossor in ascii-character graphs. “If you’re the oncall engineer when … continue reading

Synopsys acquires Black Duck Software

Synopsys officially announced the acquisition of Black Duck Software this week. The companies first entered into an agreement that would enable Synopsys to acquire Black Duck early last month. According to Synopsys, the acquisition of Black Duck will help provide its customers with visibility into open source software. Black Duck provides automated solutions that detect … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Computer Science Education week, CLion 2017.3, and AWS Serverless Application Repository

Today, eight states, 76 school districts, and 102 organizations around the world have made new pledges to expand access to computer science for millions of students, with a focus on diversity. The news was announced at an event hosted by The organization also announced new milestones such as 10 million girls are now using … continue reading

SD Time GitHub Project of the Week: StreamSet Data Collector Edge

StreamSet, a enterprise data operations platform provider, is taking on the Internet of Things and edge devices with the open source release of StreamSet Data Collector Edge (SDC Edge). SDC Edge is a end-to-end data ingestion solution for resource- and connectivity-constrained systems such as IoT device or cybersecurity applications. “The massive volume of data created by … continue reading

Facebook, Google, IBM and Red Hat team up on open-source license compliance

Top technology companies are joining together on open-source license compliance and enforcement. Facebook, Google, IBM and Red Hat alongside the Linux Kernel Community have announced a new commitment to overcoming open-source license compliance errors and mistakes through a new community-oriented approach. “We are taking an approach to compliance enforcement that is consistent with the Principles … continue reading

SD Times GitHub project of the week: Container-diff

Google is open sourcing a new project designed to analyze and compare container images. Google uses container-diff in its own work, and believes it can be useful for anyone building containerized software. “Containers and the Dockerfile format help make customization of an application’s runtime environment more approachable and easier to understand. While this is a … continue reading

Progress announces NativeScript Sidekick and NativeScript Marketplace

Progress is updating its open source framework NativeScript with new tools and capabilities for cross-platform mobile development. The update includes NativeScript Sidekick, augmented reality support for iOS 11 and Android Oreo, the NativeScript Marketplace, verified plugins, and the release of free NativeScript UI widgets. “As the popularity of NativeScript has skyrocketed, with more than one … continue reading

SD Times news digest: GitHub team discussions, MariaDB AX, and MapR Converged Data Platform 6.0

GitHub announced a new solution to talk to team members about projects, and share information. Team discussions provides a place for team members to have public or private discussions, get updates about what is going on, and stay up to date. “Gone are the days of having your issues cluttered with discussions or your pull … continue reading

GitHub releases security alerts

GitHub has announced security alerts for developers are now available. The company first announced security alerts at the GitHub Universe conference last month. The new solution is designed to detect vulnerable dependencies, alert affected repositories, and suggest known fixes. The security alerts are a part of the company’s recently announced dependency graph, which enables developers … continue reading Protection Status