Topic: software development

F5 Networks: Multi-cloud environments are causing multiple security headaches

Multi-cloud environments are speeding up organizations app driven digital transformation initiatives, but they come with a price. F5 Networks released its 2018 State of Application Delivery report, which revealed while nine in ten respondents are leveraging multi-cloud environments, they worry about managing operations and security. “A major transformation is underway in 2018 in both IT … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Android’s highest security reward, Perl’s CPAN Butterfly Plan and CircleCI’s funding round

In June of last year, the Android security team “increased the top payouts for the Android Security Rewards program.” In August, Guang Gong of Alpha Team submitted the first remote exploits chain since the increase. He was awarded $105,000, which is the highest reward in the program’s history. He received an additional $7500 by the … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Kotlin 1.2.20, Google’s Cloud AutoML, and AWS Auto Scaling

JetBrains has announced the latest update of its programming language, Kotlin 1.2.20. This release is a bugfix and tooling update for Kotlin 1.2. Features include addition of support for Gradle build cache, improved incremental compilation for Android and mixed Kotlin/Java project, IDE support for the new Kotlin style guide, inlay hints in the editor for … continue reading

CSCC: 10 steps to ensure security for cloud computing success

The Cloud Standards Customer Council (CSCC) announced version 3 of its Security for Cloud Computing: 10 Steps to Ensure Success. The 10 steps are meant to be a reference guide for organizations to better analyze the security effects of cloud computing on the organization as a whole. According to the CSCC, cloud security risks include … continue reading

Microsoft remains committed to Git

Microsoft made a lot of contributions to Git in 2017. Now that the year is over, the company is taking time to reflect on some of those contributions. Early last year, the company announced the Git Virtual File System (GVFS), an open source system designed to operate Git at enterprise-scale. It was a part of … continue reading

SD Times news digest: BlackBerry’s Jarvis, MicroStrategy’s data connectors, and Go support in AWS Lambda

BlackBerry is releasing a new cybersecurity software solution. BlackBerry CEO and Executive Chairman and CEO, John Chen, presented BlackBerry Jarvis in a keynote address at the North American International Automotive Show. Starting off, Jarvis will be marked to the automotive industry, and become applicable to other industry other industry segments such as healthcare, industrial automation, aerospace, and … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Sourcegraph

Sourcegraph is starting off 2018 with a new release of Sourcegraph Server. The self-hosted code server that combines with your code host and supports multi-repository, regexp, and diff searches, has announced the new and upgraded Sourcegraph Server 2.4 and it is now available. “We’re excited to announce the release of Sourcegraph Server 2.4, which brings … continue reading

JS Foundation unites projects for serverless application development

The JS Foundation has paired up two of its projects in order to deliver a set of tools that would allow JavaScript developers to deploy serverless apps. Serverless applications have many benefits, such as modularity, ease of upgrade, and cost reductions, but often teams have problems getting started with the build process, the foundation said. … continue reading

TIOBE Index names C the programming language of 2017

The results are in, and the TIOBE Index has declared C the programming language of the year. It was reported last month that the general-purpose programming language and Kotlin were the top competitors for TIOBE’s 2017 award. “Surprise, surprise, oldtimer language C appears to be the fastest grower of 2017 in the TIOBE index and … continue reading

The future of software development in 2018

Software development went through leaps and bounds this year with new advancements and innovations in artificial intelligence, containers, security, applications and more. With 2017 coming to a close, we asked software development luminaries and thought leaders to forecast what is next for this space in 2018. Aruna Ravichandran, VP of DevOps product and solutions marketing … continue reading

DigitalOcean finds majority of developers aren’t using AI or CD

Despite the benefits artificial intelligence brings to the lifecycle, not a lot of developers are taking advantage of it. A newly released report from DigitalOcean found only 17 percent of respondents worked with artificial intelligence or machine learning in 2017. However, 73 percent of those not using AI, plan to at least learn more about … continue reading

GitLab to protect developers side projects with amended PIAA

GitLab is expanding on its core tenet of “everyone can contribute” by amending its Proprietary Information and Assignment Agreement (PIAA). The agreement has been updated to clarify how contributors can maintain projects that are unrelated to GitLab. In a recent Twitter poll, the company found 85 percent of respondents have a technical side project outside … continue reading Protection Status