Topic: stack overflow

Python overtakes JavaScript as the most-asked-about language on Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow has been helping developers solve all sorts of programming problems for over a decade. According to Global App Testing, millions of development questions have been asked on the website since its creation.   The QA company released an analysis of 11 of the most popular languages on the website, which revealed that JavaScript … continue reading

Stack Overflow introduces new platform for development teams

Stack Overflow has announced the availability of Stack Overflow for Teams. It is a new private and internal platform designed to help development teams find answers to questions quickly without disrupting their workflow. It can integrate with existing tools such as Slack in order to promote communication and efficiency, the company explained. “By and large, … continue reading

Pluralsight Technology Index shows Java is in demand

Java is in demand, according to Pluralsight Technology Index. Pluralsight launched the index to rank the demand and growth rate of more than 300 software development languages, tools, and frameworks. This provides CIOs, CTOs, and their teams with insights on technology trends in order to inform their technology strategies and direct their personal skill development … continue reading

Stack Overflow: Developer interest in DevOps and machine learning are on the rise

DevOps and machine learning are emerging as two of the most important trends in the industry today, a new report finds. Stack Overflow released its annual Developer Survey Results to find out where developers are working, and what tools they are using. The report is based off of 101,592 software developers from 183 countries. “Today, … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Pluralsight and Stack Overflow’s partnership, Google’s Universal App campaigns, and Microsoft’s Blazor

Pluralsight and Stack Overflow have announced a new partnership that will provide developers with the necessary tools to grow their skills, share knowledge, and build successful careers. Developers will be able to display their Pluralsight IQ — which can be obtained by taking a short, 20 minute quiz — right on their Stack Overflow Developer … continue reading

For job-seeking developers, skills outweigh resume

Most recruiters still rely on resumes when looking to fill developer jobs, not the candidates’ actual abilities. A recently released report by technical recruiting company HackerRank found 81 percent of recruiters primarily use resumes to assess developers, although the company predicts that will change. “2018 will mark the end of the resume for evaluating developers. … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Managed Applications in Azure Marketplace, Google announces Andromeda 2.1, and Security Compass’ SD Elements platform

Microsoft has announced Azure Managed Applications is now available in the Azure Marketplace. Azure Managed Applications allows customers to deploy applications and fully manage them in their customer’s environment. “Whether these solutions are complex applications that are custom-built and maintained by MSPs or packaged applications delivered and serviced by ISVs, you can focus on what … continue reading

Report: Perl is one of the top disliked programming languages

There are plenty of resources and reports on the top programming languages developers want to work with, but what about the top languages they want to avoid? Stack Overflow is releasing new data to explore the most disliked programming languages. The data comes from Stack Overflow Jobs Developer story data where developers have added tags … continue reading

Stack Overflow sunsets Documentation, AGL UCB 4.0, and Amazon considers new cloud service — SD Times news digest: August 3, 2017

Stack Overflow is retiring Documentation on August 8. While Stack Overflow had high hopes for the new initiative, their research showed new users weren’t coming to Documentation, and they needed a larger team to fix Documentation for developers. According to a Stack Overflow entry: “After August 8, 2017 at 1700 UTC, we’ll disable proposed changes … continue reading

Packt: Python is the most popular tool used by developers and tech pros

Developers are often told they need to check out what other people are learning in their sector, whether that be a popular language like Python, or a popular framework like Angular. According to a sneak peek at Packt’s annual Skill Up survey, developers and engineers in various jobs plan on learning several new tools and technologies … continue reading

Driving decisions through your development lifecycle with data

Stack Overflow co-founder Jeff Atwood has noted that he’s “a big fan of developers handling tech support calls for their software, at least a part of the time. It really motivates them to address the pain points users are experiencing, because they become shared pain points.” There is tremendous value in hearing firsthand how your … continue reading

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow: Over a million developers have had trouble exiting Vim

Stack Overflow is celebrating a major milestone with one of its most popular questions. It seems a majority of developers are having difficulty escaping from the Vim editor once inside. Over the past five years, there have been more than a million developers asking “How to exit the Vim editor?” “Indeed, the difficulty of quitting … continue reading Protection Status