Topic: web development

Report: Can Kotlin compete with Java?

Java continues to dominate the programming language space for developers, but a new report reveals that Kotlin may soon knock it out of the top spot for mobile development. Packt released the results of its 2018 Skills Up report designed to look at the trends and tools software developers are using today. The 2018 Skills … continue reading

DevExpress releases major update to Universal suite

Developer Express has announced the availability of its newest release for Windows and web development, DevExpress Universal v18.1. This is the first major release for the year. The latest version of DevExpress Universal is built and optimized for desktop, web, and mobile developers, and features more than 500 individual components and UI libraries. The latest … continue reading

Angular 6 now available

Angular 6.0.0 is now available. According to the team, this is a major release focused on the toolchain rather than the underlying framework. RELATED CONTENT: Angular 6 wants to be smaller, faster, and easier-to-use As previously reported, with this release the team will be synchronizing major versions of the framework packages, CLI and Material + … continue reading

Using hybrid mobile to your advantage

It is no longer a question of “should I build a mobile app?” Digital businesses have begun to realize mobile app development is necessary to not only stay competitive, but to achieve customer satisfaction. Customers are accessing information on a huge variety of devices, and have come to expect a high-quality, mobile-friendly user experience. “Consumers, … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Hyperledger bug bounty program, Google Play Protect’s Safe Browsing, and Blazor 0.2

The open-source collaborative effort dedicated to advancing blockchain technology has announced that a new bug bounty program is now open. The program is based off of a private bug bounty the organization has been running for the last six months with HackerOne. HackerOne will continue to lead the public bounty. Currently, the bounty will solely … continue reading

Userware releases CSHTML5 for web apps using C# and XAML

A new Visual Studio extension has been released by the software company Userware. CSHTML5 is designed for cross-platform HTML5, and targeted at .NET developers. The solution enables developers to build webs using C# and XAML and compile the files to HTML5 and JavaScript. According to the company, because the solution compiles the code itself, developers … continue reading

Google announces reboot of the programming language Dart

Google’s general-purpose programming language Dart is getting a big reboot. The company announced the release of Dart 2 with a new vision for the language, which is to optimize it for client-side development for web and mobile.   “With Dart 2, we’ve dramatically strengthened and streamlined the type system, cleaned up the syntax, and rebuilt … continue reading

JetBrains introduces intelligent web app for data analysis

JetBrains is introducing a new solution dedicated to data analysis and visualization. The company announced Datalore, a new web application designed to draw insights from raw data, simplify coding routines, and make intelligent decisions. The solution leverages machine learning to perform tasks, and currently focuses on Python development.    “We’re launching this tool inspired by … continue reading

AngularJS to get one more major release

The JavaScript-based front-end app framework AngularJS is expected to get one more significant release this year. AngularJS has recently been pushed aside in favor of its successor, Angular, however, the Angular team realizes many developers still rely on AngularJS and does not plan to abandon the framework. “We understand that many developers are still using … continue reading

Toptal: Angular and React Native skills are in high demand

Interest in front end frameworks will grow this year as Toptal predicts Angular and React Native will be 2018’s most in-demand development skills. The global network for freelance engineers and designers have released the most-demand skills based off of more than 10,000 talent requests between 2016 and 2017. According to the company’s data, Angular experienced … continue reading

2018 will be the breakout year for PWAs

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) – browser-based applications that take on some performance aspects of native applications — are expected to break out this year, as Apple will begin to ship core features of PWA in its WebKit web browser engine. PWA has been a drum Google has beaten — mostly as a solo act — … continue reading

Angular 5.2 is now available

Angular 5.2.0 was released yesterday. It is a minor release that adds new features such as improved type checking for templates, support for TypeScript 2.6, and improved router parameters and data inheritance. According to the company, it is meant to be a drop-in replacement for Angular 5.1 and contains many bug fixes. It adds a … continue reading Protection Status