Altova releases major update to its RAD mobile development solution

A completely redesigned web client and new UI design options headline the new features included in today’s release of Altova’s MobileTogether 5.0 rapid mobile application development solution. The MobileTogether web client controls have been given a modern look, and new UI options include configuring borders in tables, support for padding, and buttons with images and … continue reading

Six pillars of monitoring automation

Changes in software development that have led to accelerated delivery cadences are stressing other parts of the application life cycle. This is especially true in organizations adopting microservices architecture, where teams are working autonomously to deliver their software, which by definition relies on communication with other services to form a more complete application. And one … continue reading

CollabNet VersionOne, Compuware bring DevOps to mainframe development

CollabNet VersionOne and Compuware announced the integration of Compuware’s ISPW mainframe source-code management tool and CollabNet VersionOne’s Continuum release delivery platform. This continues their effort to bring mainframe software development into the digital value chain, the companies said. The integration will allow mainframe developers to track and control projects through the development pipeline from Continuum, … continue reading

Atlassian rebuilds Jira for modern software development

Atlassian today is releasing a completely overhauled and rebuilt version of its Jira project management software from the points of view of permissions, navigation and user experience. “The Jira you needed in 2002 and the workflow you built in 2010 and the permissions model we put together back then isn’t the one we need today,” … continue reading

CollabNet VersionOne, Parasoft partnership brings automated testing to value stream management

With the goal of bringing automated testing into value stream management, CollabNet VersionOne and Parasoft today announced a partnership that will offer integration of their tools. “It’s a great fit,” said CollabNet VersionOne CEO Flint Brenton. “Less than 50 percent, around 35 percent, of our customers are doing automated testing.” That type of testing can … continue reading

DevOps Enterprise Summit: What you need to know

The DevOps Enterprise Summit comes to Las Vegas Oct. 22-24, with topics ranging from digital transformation, to using metrics to assess your DevOps efforts, to the future of DevOps and what that means. Produced by IT Revolution and founding partner Electric Cloud, the summit brings together the top thought leaders in the DevOps space for … continue reading

Flagging new software features

Decisions, decisions. That’s what attendees said their organizations were struggling with, at the inaugural DECISIONS conference, put on by software experimentation platform provider in San Francisco last week. Many organizations today find themselves with a mix of senior employees, who have years of institutional knowledge and understanding of their market, and younger workers who … continue reading

Industry Watch: A manifesto for modern development

When my girls were little, they were big fans of  “The Little Mermaid,” so at bedtime I would read to them from a book called “Ariel’s Painting Party.” The story goes like this: Ariel saw a sunrise that was so beautiful that she decided to paint it. When she was finished, she showed it to … continue reading

The 2018 SD Times DevOps Showcase

DevOps is one of those overarching terms that encompasses a number of technologies and techniques. Some consider continuous integration and delivery as the cornerstone of DevOps. Others say you can’t keep pace with Agile development and deployment with automated processes that kick off tests, builds and performance alerts. On the development side, some organizations are … continue reading

APM for today’s new architectures

The role of APM has traditionally been to flag issues in code that affect performance. To resolve those issues, it has been necessary to understand all the spaghetti code of a monolithic application – written by multiple developers who often do not have an overarching view of the entire application – and then deconstruct that … continue reading

Microsoft Ignite themes: Security, AI and data, IoT and edge computing

Microsoft kicked off its Ignite conference this morning with a boatload of announcements primarily around three themes: IT security, AI and data, and IoT and edge computing. With cyberattacks continuing to harm organizations around the world, Microsoft announced Secure Score, a report card for assessing their current state of security as well as making recommendations … continue reading

premium How security is playing catch-up to the Internet of Things

Smart homes. Smart cities. Smart factories. Intelligent cloud. Intelligent edge. While many still believe the Internet of Things has a way to go before we see widespread adoption, there is no questioning that it is here today. Some things are prototypes upon which larger deployments can be built, and some are already in wide use, … continue reading

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