Were you Left Behind? Did your company experience some Fallout? Are a Boy and His Dog all that’s left in your IT department this morning because all your admins were up until 2 a.m. every day this weekend rebooting Amazon images? You were not alone. This weekend, Amazon pushed all of its users through the … continue reading
PHP has been a staple of Web development for longer than Wikipedia’s existence. But the language has rarely received much love from the software development community due to its less bureaucratic governing body and reputation for being copy/paste friendly. But the PHP community is still growing, as is evidenced by new offerings from Amazon and … continue reading
Facebook’s Parse releases first open-source PHP SDK Parse has released the Parse PHP SDK, Facebook’s first open-source SDK for a server-side language. Facebook’s back-end technology stack announced the Parse PHP SDK in a blog post explaining why the SDK will make Parse easier to access for developers. “Until now, if you wanted to access Parse … continue reading
Kids programming robots to learn new skills With just a smart tablet and Angry Birds, Georgia Institute of Technology researchers are making it possible for kids to program robots. The researchers have paired an Android tablet paired with a small humanoid robot, and kids are teaching it how to play Angry Birds just by dragging … continue reading
Four month after its launch, Amazon opens up the streaming app to all developers, adding Mac support and new features … continue reading
Amazon’s cloud offers many benefits to developers, but there are some precautions to take … continue reading
The streaming company is running the artificial intelligence algorithms on GPUs in Amazon’s cloud … continue reading
Amazon announced a change that allows developers to price HTML5 apps just like their native coded counterparts … continue reading
New features include Android APK drag-and-drop, and site-wide search … continue reading
Competition meant increased capacity and capabilities … continue reading
Financial data and application monitoring are available … continue reading
In June, cloud developers will gather to share what they’ve learned and what more they can gain from cloud computing … continue reading