The Eclipse Foundation this week announced that when AdoptOpenJDK transitions to the foundation under its new name: Eclipse Adoptium, it will focus on building a new infrastructure called Eclipse Temurin for building and releasing JDK releases. AdoptOpenJDK is a project that allows Java developers to download OpenJDK binaries. “Our goal is to meet the needs … continue reading
The Open VSX Registry was transferred from TypeFox to the Eclipse Foundation and it now offers an alternative to the Microsoft Visual Studio Marketplace for VS Code extensions. The goal behind the transition was to increase flexibility for extension users, extension publishers and tool developers since the Visual Studio Marketplace doesn’t allow for extensions with … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation just released version 1.0 of an open-source alternative to Visual Studio Code called Eclipse Theia. Theia is an extensible platform that allows developers to create multi-language cloud and desktop IDEs, allowing them to create entirely new developer experiences. According to the Eclipse Foundation, the differences between Theia and Visual Studio Code are … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation is trying to make it easier for developers to build cloud-native applications. It has formed the Eclipse Cloud Development Tools Working Group to achieve this. The group is a vendor-neutral open source group “that will focus on development tools for and in the cloud.” Its founding members include Broadcom, IBM, Red Hat, … continue reading
After transitioning from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation in 2017, Jakarta EE (previously known as Java EE), has reached another major milestone. With today’s release of the Jakarta EE 8 Full Platform and Web Profile specification, the project now has a new baseline for having an “open, vendor-neutral, community-driven process.” Now, Java vendors, developers, and … continue reading
2018 was a big year for Java because of the changes to the language’s release schedule and the transfer of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation. Last year, Oracle announced that it would be releasing major versions of Java twice per year, and Java 10 was the first release in that new schedule. Java 10 … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation is welcoming 16 new members today. According to the foundation, this comes at a time where the Jakarta EE and Eclipse IoT developer communities are surging. The foundation is built around a platform for open collaboration and innovation. It aims to provide a vendor-neutral governance framework, mature development processes and IP services. … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation has announced the latest version of the Eclipse IDE. The Photon release is designed to expand on polyglot capabilities based on the Language Server Protocol plugins. “The Language Server Protocol (LSP) ecosystem delivers editing support for popular and emerging programming languages. Combined with the move to a quarterly rolling release cadence, the … continue reading
The Eclipse Foundation is laying out its roadmap for Jakarta EE, a community-led platform spun out from Java EE, which was the go-to platform for enterprise systems for many years. When Java EE was transferred from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation, it was decided that it should be renamed, and the community chose Jakarta EE, … continue reading
Java 10 will be released this month with a focus on cloud and serverless computing, Oracle has announced. The release is the first since the company decided last year to go to a twice-yearly release schedule, with major updates occurring in March and September. “The move to a new release model has been met with … continue reading
Java EE has been rebranded to Jakarta EE by the Eclipse Foundation community. The name comes from the Jakarta Project, an early Apache open-source effort. “It is preferred that when you are generically referring to this open source software platform that you call it Jakarta EE rather than EE4J. EE4J, the Eclipse Top-level project, is … continue reading