Topic: google play

Android vitals helps developers improve app performance

Google is giving more insight into its Android vitals solution announced at Google I/O this year. Android vitals is designed to help developers find and fix bad behaviors, and improve their applications. “Poor app performance is something that many users have experienced. Think about that last time you experienced an app crashing, failing to respond, … continue reading


Codeanywhere acquires Codebender, CA’s microservices update, Android Market and Syncfusion’s new offering — SD Times news digest: June 21, 2017

Codeanywhere, a toolset provider for web development, announced its first acquisition this week. The company is acquiring Codebender, the Arduino playground. According to Codeanywhere, the acquisition will help accelerate its roadmap to introduce more developer tools that allow developers to develop anywhere, anytime and with anyone. “Giving Codebender a home in Codeanywhere was a no-brainer … continue reading

Google open-sources Firebase SDKs, opens up Android Instant Apps, and provides new developer features

Google wrapped up the first day of its annual developer conference, Google I/O, yesterday with a number of new features and solutions for Android developers. In addition to announcing the Android O Developer Preview 2, Android Go, Kotlin on Android and Android Studio 3.0, the company announced it is open-sourcing its Firebase SDKs, opening up access … continue reading

How developers can successfully launch Android apps on Google Play

With the thousands of applications available in Google’s app store, it can be hard for a developer to stand out from the crowd. To help, Google has released five best practices developers can use to build and deploy a successful application in the Google Play store. The practices from come a developer panel the company … continue reading

Google Play starts promoting apps based on engagement

Google wants to help developers be more successful in its app store. The company announced new developer features to help improve app discovery on Google Play during its Developer Day at the Game Developers Conference. To improve the promotion of high-quality experiences, the company will begin ranking apps and games based on engagement rather than … continue reading

TypeScript 2.2 released, half the Internet uses HTTPS, and updates to the Google Play Developer Console—SD Times news digest: Feb. 23, 2017

Microsoft’s TypeScript team presented the latest release of TypeScript 2.2 this week, with new features and quick fixes to improve the TypeScript experience. With TypeScript 2.2 comes more improvements to the editor, including code actions, which can guide developers in fixing up errors. This includes adding missing imports, adding missing properties, and removing unused declarations. … continue reading

Tips for building finance apps, Dwarf v5 released, and Syncsort creates Integrated Workflow—SD Times news digest: Feb. 16, 2017

Stuck on how to get started building a financial services app? The Google Play/Finance team shared some tips this week on how to build high-quality and accessible financial services apps, featuring a six-step guide for making these apps accessible in the Google Play store. One tip in the guide is to test and iterate the … continue reading

HummingBad malware returns; new variant hides in Google Play apps

The HummingBad malware is back with a new variant, named “HummingWhale,” which has been found in more than 20 apps on Google Play. The malware-infected apps were downloaded several million times by users, and researchers from security company Check Point discovered the malware and notified the Google security team about the apps, which have since … continue reading

Android 7.1 Developer Preview, GitLab 8.14, and IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3—SD Times news digest: Nov. 23, 2016

Google has announced its final developer preview as it gets ready to release the Android 7.1.1 platform. This preview is designed to help developers complete their app development and testing for Android 7.1.1. It features near-final system behaviors, bug fixes, API level 25, and an update to the SDK and tools in Android Studio. Developers … continue reading

Google to end support for level 9 APIs, announces new acquisition

As Google continues to refine its solutions and services, it is giving developers new ways to update their skills and applications. The company announced it is acquiring Qwiklabs, a company known for providing hands-on cloud computing education. “There’s no faster way to get hands-on experience with a cloud environment and to learn all the ins … continue reading

SD Times Blog: How Pokémon GO can keep up the momentum

When Pokémon GO launched into the App Store and Google Play, it quickly became one of the most popular mobile applications in history. But now, only less than two months later, the app already seems to be losing steam. When the app first launched, the neighborhood and streets were flooded with kids and adults of … continue reading

Apple acquires AI startup, the DAPRA Cyber Grand Challenge winner, Pokémon GO’s revenue, and Delta’s global computer outage—SD Times news digest: August 8, 2016

According to multiple reports, Apple has acquired artificial intelligence startup Turi for roughly US$200 million. Apple uses AI technology for Siri, but lately the company has been ramping up its efforts in AI, which makes purchasing the Seattle-based company Turi a helpful move, according to Market Watch. Turi aims to help developers and data scientists build intelligent apps … continue reading Protection Status