Topic: ibm

Industry Watch: Great products require a Unified Operating Model

If you work in a large company, you probably have application designers, developers and product managers. And, one of your biggest challenges is to get them to work together, on the same schedule, with the same understanding of what you’re creating. Jonathan Atkins is director of design for IBM Watson, having joined Big Blue about … continue reading

Spotify is moving to the Google Cloud, Java 9 addresses GTK 3 GUI toolkit , and Twitter introduces a Fabric mobile app—SD Times news digest: Feb. 24, 2016

Spotify has announced it is working with the Google Cloud Platform team to provide platform infrastructure for Spotify everywhere. In the past, Spotify has taken a traditional approach by buying or leasing data center space, server hardware and networking gear close to its customers. This has allowed it to deliver music instantly, wherever the customers … continue reading

Where does agile go from here?

Agile has been around for more than a decade now. It has proven itself at the team level and has scaled to the enterprise, but where does the methodology go from here in today’s modern software development world? “The Agile Manifesto has stood up remarkably well for very broad adoption across a large number of … continue reading

IBM partners up for cloud-based virtual machines

IBM’s InterConnect 2016 conference kicked off today, with the company making cloud-based announcements for its product lines. Chief among them was a new partnership with VMware to bring virtual-machine-hosted applications into IBM’s cloud-based offerings. The IBM announcement was riddled with partnerships, many of which were focused on bringing the benefits of IBM’s cloud offerings to … continue reading

Spark Summit East: News from Databricks, IBM, MapR, MemSQL, SAP and Wikibon

Wikibon, a community formed to help solve technology problems, has released what it says is the first-ever Spark forecast that shows how Spark is changing the industry. “Our report is the first to show how Spark is remaking the marketplace, presenting not just numbers of users, but also data about what vendors are building and … continue reading

IBM aims to help developers put blockchain code to work

IBM wants to help developers explore the use of blockchains in the enterprise. The company is making a number of announcements to help developers create and manage blockchain networks, as well as making about 44,000 lines of code available to the Linux Foundation’s open-source Hyperledger Project in order to enable developers to build secure distributed … continue reading

Lauri Saft: From the Air Force to IBM

During her time at the Air Force Academy in the early 1990s, Lauri Saft would look at her squadron and see nearly every seat filled by a man. (Indeed, the ratio of men to women was about 10:1.) She learned early on not to see “men versus women,” but to value the unit as a … continue reading

Is Spark replacing Hadoop?

The Apache Hadoop project took off in enterprises over a fairly short period of time. Four or five years ago, Hadoop was just becoming a “thing” for enterprise data processing and experimentation. MapReduce was at the heart of that thing, and Spark was still only a research project at the University of California at Berkeley. … continue reading

myDevices launches developer IoT solution, upcoming OpenSSL releases, and IBM’s LinuxONE improvements—SD Times news digest: Jan. 26, 2016

Internet of Things solutions provider myDevices is launching a new developer and maker tool for IoT projects. The company announced Cayenne at the IoT Evolution Expo in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. today. Cayenne features automatic devices and sensory discovery; drag-and-drop widgets; a rules engine for triggering actions across devices; the ability to schedule when lights, motors, … continue reading

IBM developer Force-pushes a droid around the office

While this may not be the droid you’re looking for, it’s certainly worth taking a gander at. An IBM employee has used the company’s Node-RED and Bluemix Internet of Things tools to add mental controls to a Sphero BB-8 robotic toy. Joshua Carr, lead developer at IBM working on Internet of Things projects, decided a … continue reading

NVIDIA’s AI supercomputer for autonomous cars, TIOBE’s programming language of the year, and AppDynamics and Compuware’s partnership—SD Times news digest Jan. 5, 2016

NVIDIA is looking to power self-driving cars with an artificial intelligence supercomputer. The NVIDIA DRIVE PX 2 utilizes deep learning and situational awareness to tackle complexities inherent in autonomous driving. It features a surround view solution, a deep neural network pipeline, and sensor fusion. “Drivers deal with an infinitely complex world,” said Jen-Hsun Huang, cofounder … continue reading

2015: The Internet of Things takes another step

Much ink was spilled in 2015 about the Internet of Things. It’s a concept that has been bandied about for several years—remember the use case of your refrigerator letting your local grocer know when you’re out of milk? The coming together of smartphones, sensors, GPS, Bluetooth and other technologies that enable mobile interconnectivity has moved … continue reading Protection Status