Topic: java

IBM and Lightbend to advance AI and cognitive development

IBM is tackling artificial intelligence in its latest endeavor. The company announced a partnership with the reactive application development provider Lightbend to advance the development of artificial intelligence and cognitive solutions. Together, the companies will work to create a new solution for building and deploying AI and cognitive apps on premises and in the cloud. … continue reading


Java 9 moves forward with the Java Platform Module System

The results are in. The Java Community Process executive committee (EC) has voted a second time on the Java Platform Module System, known as JSR 376, and it has been approved. JSR 376 was rejected last month with 13 EC members voting against it and 10 members voting for it. This time around all but … continue reading

Guest View: Jobs-as-Code: Automation lets developers deliver better software, faster

In DevOps workflows, automation saves time, conserves resources, reduces errors and ensures consistency. Despite this, developers continue to ignore the existence of world-class workflow automation and job scheduling solutions and instead rely on a variety of simple tools to code jobs as they build apps. Since neither these tools nor the developers adhere to the … continue reading

OpenAI’s Roboschool, SmartBear ServiceV Pro 2.0, VMware acquires Apteligent — SD Times news digest: May 16, 2017

OpenAI is opening up a new school for robots. The artificial intelligence research company announced the open-source software Roboschool. Roboschool is integrated with OpenAI Gym, and provides an environment for robot simulation. Through OpenAI, Roboschool provides 12 different environments for controlling robots, and it provides a way to train multiple agent at once in one … continue reading


Java Community Process EC rejects the Java Platform Module System

The final results of the Public Review ballot for JSR 376, the Java Platform Module System, are in, and the Java Community Process executive committee (EC) has not approved this ballot. Of the 23 members, 10 voted for JSR 376, with 13 voting against it. Those for it included: Azul Systems, Gemalto, Goldman Sachs, MicroDoc, … continue reading

Klocwork 2017.1 released with new security reports

In order for teams to spot security problems and vulnerabilities in their code, Rogue Wave is updating its static code analysis tool with a new security report, new Java checkers, extensive updates to its CERT taxonomy, and more. Rogue Wave’s Klocwork 2017.1 is the company’s latest release, and it introduces a new built-in graphical security … continue reading

Azul Systems releases Falcon, a major Java compiler upgrade

Making what it says is the first major upgrade to a Java compiler in 20 years, Azul Systems today is launching Falcon, a new just-in-time compiler that leverages LLVM technology to improve performance of Java applications. Scott Sellers, CEO of Azul, said the Falcon compiler used inside the company’s Zing 17.03 Java runtime replaces the … continue reading

Intel announces new AI effort, CoreOS extends CoreOS Tectonic, and OpenSSL launches new site — SD Times news digest: March 24, 2017

Intel is beginning to square in on AI with the announcement of a single cross-Intel organization: The Artificial Intelligence Products Group (AIPG). According to the company, AIPG strengthens its focus on AI, and will include engineering, labs, software and resources as it continues to work on its AI portfolio: The Intel Nervana platform. In addition, … continue reading

Indeed fosters software developers outside and in

It’s a sad state of affairs for software developers. Their talents are in higher demand than ever, and yet many of them have reached the point where they won’t even answer a phone call from an unknown number due to constant contact by recruiters. Making matters worse, once in the clutches of said recruiter, most … continue reading

Mapt’s six new Skill Plans for developers, Capriza launches suite of micro apps, and FOSSA raises funds for open-source initiatives—SD Times news digest: Feb. 24, 2017

In order to advance the careers of developers, Mapt created new Skill Plans, which aim to help specific developers looking to fill knowledge gaps in subjects like Java, IoT, Big Data, and R. Skill Plans offer developers learning assessment tools and resources, and the new plans target Java, JavaScript, Unreal Engine, R, IoT, and Big … continue reading

Hazelcast 3.8 provides better uptime

In-memory data grid Hazelcast was updated to version 3.8 today. The update includes improvements targeted at administrators tasked with maintaining Hazelcast clusters. For version 3.8, the main focus has been on offering a better operational experience to users. This means minimizing the amount of time required for upgrades, changes and restarts of a cluster. (Related: Hazelcast … continue reading

Progress open-sources its UI library, Box updates its developer experiences, and the Docker Datacenter updates—SD Times news digest: Feb. 9, 2017

Progress has open-sourced its Progress Telerik UI for Universal Windows Platform, which is a set of native UI controls for building Windows apps. With this announcement, Progress also revealed it is donating to the .NET Foundation to help it with open development in the .NET ecosystem. “With this donation, we are extending our commitment to … continue reading Protection Status