Applitools has announced the first courses of the year for its Test Automation University. The company first announced the program in November as a way to teach test automation skills through community-driven educational training courses. “At Test Automation U, we don’t want to limit learning to any one particular school of thought, which is why … continue reading
The Rust programming language team has announced the first major edition of Rust since 1.0 was released in 2015. Rust is a Mozilla-backed systems programming language focused on safety and concurrency. The 2018 version of the language is a culmination of the past three years, according to the team. It includes improvements to tooling, documentation, … continue reading
Microsoft has announced plans to adopt Chromium into Microsoft Edge on desktop. Chromium is an open-source web browser project created by Google. According to Microsoft, this move will provide better web compatibility for customers and less web fragmentation for web developers. In addition, Microsoft will start to contribute to the Chromium project. “Ultimately, we want … continue reading
Mozilla has released a new update to its mixed reality browser, Firefox Reality. Firefox Reality 1.1 features support for 360 videos, localization to seven new languages, a new dedicated theater viewing mode, and performance improvements. In the future, the Firefox Reality team hopes to add more content sharing and syncing features, multiple windows, and tab … continue reading
Google is offering Android developers free tools for succeeding on Google Play. The brand new e-learning platform, Google Play’s Academy for App Success, will feature learning paths, interactive lessons, assessments and achievements. “Whether you’re looking to grow your audience, understand performance metrics, or increase revenue, Play Academy is here to help you understand the best … continue reading
Mozilla is calling on professors to integrate ethics into computer science courses and has announced a competition called the Responsible Computer Science Challenge. As part of the challenges, professors will work to conceptualize, develop, and pilot curricula that integrates ethics with computer science, and hopefully scale that to universities across the country. The challenge is … continue reading
WSO2 has announced the Fall 2018 release of its WSO2 Integration Agile Platform. The new release will introduce unified monitoring and analysis of integration flows, adaptive authentication, and WSO2 Integration Agile Consulting services and resources. “In today’s digitally driven economy, no organization is an island. Instead, a rapidly expanding stream of processes and information is … continue reading
Mozilla has announced the release of Firefox Monitor, which will notify people when they have been part of a data breach. Users can get started by looking up their email and finding out if it has been part of a past data breach. They can then sign up to be notified if a breach ever … continue reading
Earlier this year, Mozilla announced that it was building a mixed reality web browser, and today, that browser is here. Firefox Reality was designed from the ground up to work on various stand-alone virtual and augmented reality headsets. It is ready today in the Viveport, Oculus, and Daydream app stores. According to Mozilla, Firefox Reality … continue reading
Software delivery automation company Atomist announced version 1.0.0-M.1 of its open-source Software Delivery Machine project. This new release provides fully local mode, which will make software available to developers everywhere, the company explained. According to the company, with local mode developers can leverage the software delivery machine on their laptop, automate locally, create projects for … continue reading
Google is releasing a new research framework for prototyping reinforcement learning algorithms. Dopamine is a Tensorflow-based framework designed with ease-of-use, reproducibility, and benchmarking in mind. Along with the framework, the company will provide a set of colabs for using the framework. For ease-of-use, Google will provide code that is compact and well-documented. For reproducibility, the … continue reading
Mozilla is introducing dweb, or decentralized web, in order to solve some of the issues the traditional, centralized web is facing. “The web is the most successful programming platform in history, resulting in the largest open and accessible collection of human knowledge ever created. So yeah, it’s pretty great. But there are a set of … continue reading