Topic: programming

The weaknesses of C++, Google’s new mobile design hub, and Feathers 2.0—SD Times news digest: March 17, 2016

Due to the lack of variety in brackets and parentheses on a regular keyboard, the syntax of modern C++ sometimes gets tricky, according to Dima Korolev, captain of engineering at opinion aggregation company Staance. Some problems with C++ include array indexing and lambda definitions. Korolev also mentioned that Objective-C uses square brackets to send messages. … continue reading

GitHub introduces reactions, LinkedIn’s programming puzzle, and Microsoft’s experimental .NET Core debugging experience—SD Times news digest: March 11, 2016

GitHub is giving users the ability to express their feelings in pull requests, issues and comments. The company announced new reactions to conversations in order for users to get their feelings across more simply and effectively. “While people have been able to include emoji in responses for a long time, using them as reactions resulted … continue reading

Thunkable turns programming into a drag-and-drop solution

A new programming solution wants to make it easy for anyone to build native mobile apps. Thunkable is a drag-and-drop programming solution that aims to bring simple design and code techniques to everyone. “Mobile apps are ubiquitous, and people spend so much time on them; yet, developing these apps is limited to a select few,” … continue reading

SD Times Blog: International Women’s Day 2016

It seems like every other day we are celebrating something. One day it’s national this, the next day it’s national that. Today is International Day of Women (IDW2016), and it’s not one of those silly holidays that pop up on Twitter in the form of hashtags. But this is an important day. Today celebrates the … continue reading

Swift, HTML and C++ make the list for languages and technologies in high demand

Developers and companies seeking talent should be keeping up on the latest languages and frameworks in the industry. This is why Toptal—a company that connects enterprises and startups with freelance software engineers and designers—is releasing its findings on what coding languages and frameworks are in highest demand for 2016. According to the report, which will … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Emojicode

Programming languages don’t have to be boring; they can be fun, bright and colorful! One GitHub project aims reinvent what it means to be a programming language. Emojicode is an open-source object orientated programming language the uses emojis. “Emojicode aims to be the first high-level programming language that uses Emojis to structure the program and … continue reading

Hearing-impaired programmer shows a need for accessibility

Hollie Kay built her first website in 1999, despite discouragement from teachers over her taking up “computers” as a lifelong career path. She didn’t pay attention. While her schoolteachers dismissed her lack of following orders as “willful disobedience,” as she puts it, she was really using machines and websites as a way to cope with … continue reading

Shippable unveils new Continuous Delivery platform

Shippable is revamping itself to help developers ship high-quality code faster. The company announced a new Continuous Delivery platform designed to eliminate the need for custom automation and integrations, and to give developers the ability to adopt new technologies at their own pace with minimal disruption and rework costs. “Every company wants to ship code … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Kick off your dev and programmer projects on Kickstarter

A Brooklyn-based corporation everyone knows as Kickstarter has built a global crowdfunding platform that supports all projects from the technical to the super weird and creative. Today, the company has reached 100,000 successfully funded campaigns, despite only being around since 2009. Last night, a photography project called “Falklands/Malvinas: One War, all Wars” became the 100,000th … continue reading

GitHub library allows developers to rewrite critical code

Developers can now use a new Ruby library called Scientist, which will help them rewrite critical code. As codebases in applications mature, often developers will need to replace or rewrite part of a system, according to a blog post by GitHub engineer Jesse Toth. As a way to ensure testing correctness for these applications, GitHub … continue reading

Kotlin 1.0 RC announced, the Visa Developer Platform, and Python 3 comes to Scrapy—SD Times news digest: Feb. 5, 2016

JetBrains has announced the 1.0 release candidate of its statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and browsers: Kotlin. The language is designed to reduce the amount of code developers need to write; avoid entire classes or errors; provide versatility; leverage existing frameworks and libraries with 100% Java Interoperability; and support command-line compilers or … continue reading

Factoring in refactoring: The what, when and how

A software developer’s job is never done. They don’t always get their code right on the first time, and it doesn’t always look pretty at first glance. Developers have to constantly modify, improve, and clean up their codebase to make it more readable and maintainable. “Software development is like writing a novel,” said Geoffrey Grosenbach, … continue reading Protection Status