Topic: security

SD Times news digest: Neo4j raises $80 million, Amazon Future Engineer and Google’s new security controls

Graph database solution provider Neo4j has closed an Series E round of funding at $80 million. This brings the company’s total growth funding to $160 million since 2007. The funding will be used to help the company power business applications with graph databases as well as increase the product to support popular use cases such … continue reading

Using machine learning and AI to develop API-based security solutions

Application security threats continue to increase in sophistication and number as the technologies that enable them do as well. There have been reports of a 12 percent increase in banking trojans. Twenty-three percent increase in spyware. Twenty-two percent increase in botnets and other crypto mining malicious apps. While there are tools and technologies available to … continue reading

Data Theorem launches API security solution for serverless and microservices

The rise of microservices and serverless applications has enabled developers to build apps at scale and with less complexity at lower costs. But these new modern apps also come with a new set of issues and problems developers have to be concerned about. Data Theorem today announced new automated API solutions aimed at addressing threats … continue reading

Transitioning from DevOps to Rugged DevOps: Avoiding the pitfalls

As many as four out of five companies leveraging a DevOps approach to software engineering do so without integrating the necessary information security controls, underscoring the urgency with which companies should be evaluating “Rugged” DevOps (also known as “shift left”) to build security into their development life cycle as early as possible. Rugged DevOps represents … continue reading

Ensure security and quality at speed

Today’s companies must become software companies to keep pace with competitive pressures and customer demands. As organizations become increasingly software-enabled, their footprints are extending out to cloud environments and the Internet of Things (IoT), increasing application complexity and the associated risks. With Synopsys, software teams can avoid the usual trade-offs between faster time-to-market imperatives, security … continue reading

Protego releases starter plan for serverless security

Serverless security provider Protego is offering a new version of its platform to help enterprises adopt serverless. The free starter plan will feature full functionality, protection for up to one million invocations and 30 days of data retention. “More and more companies are looking to capitalize on the benefits of serverless computing without putting much … continue reading

Microsoft Ignite themes: Security, AI and data, IoT and edge computing

Microsoft kicked off its Ignite conference this morning with a boatload of announcements primarily around three themes: IT security, AI and data, and IoT and edge computing. With cyberattacks continuing to harm organizations around the world, Microsoft announced Secure Score, a report card for assessing their current state of security as well as making recommendations … continue reading

Google introduces multi-language, cross-platform cryptographic library

Google wants to ensure developers have the tools necessary to protect user data with the open-source release of Tink. This new project is a multi-language, cross-platform cryptographic library designed to ship secure cryptographic code. “At Google, many product teams use cryptographic techniques to protect user data. In cryptography, subtle mistakes can have serious consequences, and … continue reading

SD Times news digest: New two-factor authentication approach, The LF Deep Learning Foundation and Linux 4.19-rc1

Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham have announced a new two-factor authentication method that uses wearables and speech signals. The method “Listening-Watch” uses wearable devices such as smartwatches, activity trackers, and browser-generated speech sounds to perform two-factor authentication. “Listening-Watch offers two key security features,” said Nitesh Saxena, professor in the UAB College of … continue reading

Semmle emerges with new approach to software engineering analytics

Semmle is making its global debut today with a new solution that could help speed up the development of secure software code. The company’s software analytics platform includes a “Looks Good to Me” solution as well as a query engine for preventing software mistakes. In addition, the company is launching with a $21 million series … continue reading

SEI CERT releases open-source Source Code Analysis Laboratory for pinpointing vulnerabilities

The Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) CERT Division at Carnegie Mellon University released an open-source static analysis aggregator/correlator this week. Source Code Analysis application (SCALe) is designed to find vulnerabilities in application source code via multiple, independent static analysis tools. Compatible with any source code language, this public release of SCALe provides alerts based on two … continue reading Protection Status