Topic: testing

Choose Mobile Labs for Appium success

Organizations often face significant challenges when implementing automated mobile testing. Choosing the right test automation tools and getting started writing test scripts can be complex for testing and quality assurance teams. Mobile Labs works with enterprise mobility teams to simplify the test automation journey at every level of maturity, so organizations can ensure more reliable … continue reading

Micro Focus on the growth of intelligent testing

The advent of Agile methodology, DevOps, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, robotic process automation and machine learning creates a seismic shift in application testing requirements and test tools. As companies gravitate towards digital transformation strategies, there are more applications and new technologies that require testing at increasingly rapid rates. Key challenges include the elimination … continue reading

SmartBear acquires test management solution provider Zephyr

SmartBear is bolstering its test management portfolio with a newly announced acquisition. The company has revealed it is acquiring software testing company Zephyr. Zephyr is known for its software test management solutions as well as its work with DevOps and continuous testing. Together, SmartBear plans to build “the most comprehensive set of test management solutions … continue reading

SEI CERT releases open-source Source Code Analysis Laboratory for pinpointing vulnerabilities

The Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) CERT Division at Carnegie Mellon University released an open-source static analysis aggregator/correlator this week. Source Code Analysis application (SCALe) is designed to find vulnerabilities in application source code via multiple, independent static analysis tools. Compatible with any source code language, this public release of SCALe provides alerts based on two … continue reading

A guide to test-driven development tools

Eggplant: Eggplant’s intelligent testing and performance suite empowers teams to continuously create amazing, user-centric digital experiences that drive positive business outcomes. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics, Eggplant intelligent automation solutions hunt defects, and auto-generate test scripts to increase testing productivity, performance, efficiency, speed, and coverage. Eggplant solutions test the true UX, not the … continue reading

Eggplant approaches testing from the user perspective to deliver better business outcomes

What sets Eggplant apart from other testing companies is that it approaches software testing from the user’s perspective. “Our goal has always been around trying to help people make software that delights their users,” said Antony Edwards, CTO of Eggplant. Eggplant helps a wide variety of companies test all sorts of solutions, from point-of-sale terminals … continue reading

Variations on test-driven development

Despite the invention of so many different types of software testing methodologies, many in the industry are still sticking to the tried-and-true method of test-driven development, or at least some form of it. “Like any other methodology, I think there seems to be some pretty significant variations between TDD as it’s described in books and … continue reading

Tricentis leads continuous testing

Agile and DevOps change the game for software testing.It’s not just a matter of accelerating testing—it’s also about fundamentally altering the way that quality is measured. Agile requires teams to test faster and earlier. And DevOps demands a more deep-seated shift. The test outcomes required to drive a fully-automated release pipeline are dramatically different than … continue reading

Parasoft: Continuous quality at speed

Many organizations have adopted Agile practices are delivering higher quality software faster, but product quality has not improved. Using Parasoft’s robust portfolio of automated testing solutions, software teams can reduce effort to meet time-to-market and quality mandates simultaneously. “In the Agile world, Test has difficulty keeping up with development due to constant change. One,small change … continue reading

SD Times news digest: Rainforest QA new testing features, Syncfusion Essential Studio 2018 Volume 2, and the Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit

Rainforest QA announced new features designed to enhance testing visibility and give development teams the ability to monitor the overall health of their test suite. “Development teams today are moving quickly in the era of continuous delivery, and a common pain point we find among them is the lack of a quick and convenient method … continue reading

SD Times news digest: BrowserStack debugging tools, Snowflake on Microsoft Azure and System.IO.Pipelines

BrowserStack is announcing new debugging tools and native mobile functionalities to its web and mobile app testing platform. In addition, the company announced it is adding new devices to its Real Device Cloud coverage with support for Samsung Galaxy S9, S9+ and the 2018 Apple iPad. Support for iPhone 6, 6s, 6s Plus and 2018 … continue reading

SD Times Open Source Project of the Week: Indico Enso

Enterprise AI company Indico wants to give back to the open-source community that it says has helped their technology develop with the release of this week’s highlighted open-source project. Indico’s Enso Python library is an open-source codebase designed to standardize a way to test transfer learning techniques for training natural language processing models. While transfer … continue reading Protection Status