JetBrains announced that Big Data Tools is now available as EAP for DataGrip and PyCharm Professional. The news aims to address problems that involve both code and data. The company first announced plans to support more big data tools last year when it announced a preview of the IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate plugin with Apache Zeppelin … continue reading
Mozilla, Reddit, Twitter, Patreon, and other other tech companies are pushing for the House of Representatives to consider the Wyden/Daines amendment when they look at the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act. The amendment would expressly prohibit the use of Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act for the warrantless collection of search and browsing history. The … continue reading
ScaleOut Software announced the general availability of Digital Twin Streaming Service, an SaaS solution that uses in-memory cloud computing to provide real-time analytics. The solution creates “real-time digital twins” that simultaneously analyzes telemetry from thousands of streaming data sources to provide customers deeper introspection without waiting to query data at rest in data lakes. It … continue reading
Grafana 7.0 includes significant enhancements to simplify the development of custom plugins and drastically increase the power, speed, and flexibility of visualization. The UI now includes a new table panel, a new grid layout engine, and data visualizations are now based on specific data configurations (min/max/mean graphs, etc.) to provide better consistency across Grafana. Other … continue reading
MongoDB wants to help make developers more productive with the release of MongoDB for VS Code. The solution enables developers to quickly connect to MongoDB and MongoDB Atlas and work with their data to build applications right inside their code editor. Users can connect to a MongoDB or Atlas cluster, create MongoDB Playgrounds, and quickly … continue reading
With November’s election approaching, election security is something many people are already starting to think about. Data verification company Melissa has announced that it will be offering free data optimization services that will improve registered voter rolls and encourage fair election processes. According to Melissa, the combination of increasing numbers of vote-by-mail options and an … continue reading
NVIDIA announced that it is collaborating with the open-source community to bring end-to-end GPU acceleration to Apache Spark 3.0. In addition, AI model training will be able to be processed on the same Spark cluster, instead of running the workloads as separate processes on separate infrastructure. “Data analytics is the greatest high performance computing challenge … continue reading
Data has become more important than ever as businesses look to gain new insights and bring new value to customers. The problem, however, is an overwhelming amount of data between the tens if not hundreds of SaaS services, databases, and file formats being used. “If you can’t connect to that data, then you can’t govern … continue reading
Cockroach Lans announced the release of CockroachDB 20.1 with new features for simpler and faster cloud application development. The updated version includes online primary key changes, monitoring updates, and enhanced support for popular development tools and languages (ORMs). It also includes additional improvements to multi-region performance and security. “CockroachDB 20.1 gives developers a database that … continue reading
Amazon has announced its enterprise search service Kendra is now available. Kendra is powered by machine learning, and designed to help enterprises index, search, and gain insight across their data silos. The company explained the solution is built to provide high-quality results to natural language queries instead of a random list of links in response … continue reading
The latest version of the pluggable JavaScript linter is now available. ESLint 7.0 is a major release upgrade includes new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release. This release drops support for Node.js v8. Also, the ten Node.js/CommonJS rules in core have been deprecated and moved to the eslint-plugin-node plugin. Several changes … continue reading
Cloudera announced an expanded set of machine learning capabilities is now available in the Cloudera Machine Learning (CML). Capabilities include new MLOps features and Cloudera SDX for models. “Data scientists, machine learning engineers, and operators can collaborate in a single unified solution, drastically reducing time to value and minimizing business risk for production machine learning … continue reading