The current global pandemic has impacted every aspect of business. For some companies, that means shutting down entirely, for others it means shifting everything online and processing even more customer requests than before. Companies that have moved online are simultaneously adjusting to the added pressure of a remote workforce. With very little warning, IT teams … continue reading
As data becomes more important than ever to business success, modern organizations are constantly looking for tools and resources that can help them harness and make sense of that data. CData is making it easier for users to connect to data sources and tools with the release of hundreds of new Python Connectors, which are … continue reading
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery together (CI/CD) have become the goal for a majority of organizations. Meanwhile, modern technologies like Docker and Kubernetes have become widespread in production application environments. The result of these trends is that applications and their infrastructure are becoming increasingly dynamic: constantly changing to meet higher scalability requirements and fast-changing application … continue reading
Historically, manually setting up a monitoring system didn’t present a problem because neither the application code, nor the application infrastructure (middleware, app servers, etc.) changed very often. IT would provision a box, set its IP address, load some software, set up the monitoring and then never touch it again for years. Nor was an application … continue reading
Since traditional APM and monitoring tools were not designed for dynamic applications, a new set of open-source technologies emerged to help development teams manually setup their own monitoring through manual coding. Whether providing performance metrics, tracing paths of an application, or exposing other details of code, these open-source monitoring tool create their own sets of … continue reading
There has been a lot of curiosity among our subscribers about HCL Software, ever since the news of HCL’s acquisition of several product portfolios from IBM closed on July 1, 2019. We were pleased to have the opportunity recently to sit down with Darren Oberst, the head of HCL Software, and get answers to … continue reading
Open-source code and frameworks can be found in most modern software applications, as developers find great value in using functionality that has already been written. Open source has little or no upfront monetary cost and saves developers valuable time to work on higher-value projects. But among the problems with open source are that the code … continue reading
While companies are starting down the value stream, assessing and mapping their operations and product delivery to find areas of bottleneck and waste, another critical aspect of value stream management is feedback loops. People discuss applying manufacturing techniques to software creation and delivery, and breaking down their product portfolios into work for the development or … continue reading
Industries today are struggling to deal with the issue of increased data fragmentation. No longer is all data sitting in an RDBMS, snuggled in behind a corporate firewall with access and permissions easily defined and managed. Today, data lives in on-premises systems, in cloud storage and in partner systems, creating new complexities for accessing data. A … continue reading
Programmers err as much as any of us — between 15 and 50 errors per 1,000 lines of code to be more exact. QA tests for these bugs, attempting to ensure that releases are as bug-free as possible. Customers who trust their operations to software won’t tolerate poorly written code, and teams go out of … continue reading
The uptake in Agile and DevOps processes has led to changes in how software is written, tested, secured and deployed. Among the key changes organizations are making is to decentralize their test and QA teams. This is being done in response to organizations first looking to modernize testing practices by shifting testing to the left … continue reading
To fully participate in the digital economy and stay ahead of customer expectations, enterprise IT must deliver software faster than ever before. As a result, Agile development and DevOps processes have become critical for IT to meet the challenges of the digital world. Those processes give enterprises flexibility, enabling them to pivot as needed to … continue reading
Open source software is taking the world of software development into new frontiers and changing the way industries create and consume software. However, there is a learning curve with open source use and businesses need to not only be able to trust the open source software being used in their solutions, but they need to … continue reading
In 2011, Marc Andreessen wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal that included the now-famous phrase “software is eating the world.” Eight years on, that statement rings truer than ever. It’s not a stretch to say that software is eating the cybersecurity world as well. The fallout from not integrating security early in the … continue reading