Companies to Watch in 2021

As technology advances and morphs, startups continue to emerge, looking to differentiate themselves from the rest against incredible odds — some 90% of all startups fail, according to Forbes. (That’s in all fields; not just tech startups.)  Identifying which will ultimately succeed or fail is like trying to find gold in the bottom of a … continue reading

GPT-3: Advancing the understanding of cues for coding, writing

OpenAI says it is backlogged with a waitlist of prospective testers seeking to assess if the first private beta of its GPT-3 natural language programming (NLP) tool really can push the boundaries of artificial intelligence (AI). Since making the GPT-3 beta available in June as an API to those who go through OpenAI’s vetting process, … continue reading

Live long and prosper: New roles for survival in a digital-first world

Navigating the digital-first world requires organizations to explore new frontiers to deliver more value to their customers. While the tech oligopoly can provide customers with digital solutions at warp speed, traditional enterprises need a little help. Many IT leaders, such as CIOs, are taking proactive measures to improve market response through software by adopting practices … continue reading

New tools are great… just not for critical projects

Imagine undergoing some serious surgery at your local hospital. The nurse tells you that they are all excited about your surgery. Your surgeon is very famous but quite new to the hospital and the surgical staff has never worked with him before, and they are not familiar with his operating room procedures. Further, there is … continue reading

The path to mainframe agility

When Compuware, now a BMC company, came under new leadership in 2014, the company embarked on a mission to realign as an Agile business. It went from delivering customer requirements every 12 to 18 months to a publicly faced quarterly roadmap deeply engaged with customers. Once the company started to see some success, customers went … continue reading

Mainframe for DevOps puts an end to silos

“After the last nuclear bomb goes off and the earth cools, and the cockroaches come back out of the ground, they will all be dragging mainframes with them because it’s the only platform that will be able to withstand that,” Thomas Klinect, a senior research director at Gartner, told SD Times. While Klinect was joking … continue reading

CPRA, or CCPA 2.0

When both the GDPR and CCPA came out, they were a major force in the industry for making companies rethink how they handled data privacy. They’ve already had significant impacts in the industry, as discussed above. Despite how powerful the CCPA was compared to existing data privacy laws in the United States, a new law … continue reading

GDPR, CCPA, and CPRA – Oh my!

Over the past few years, the world has seen the introduction of two major data protection regulations: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The GDPR, which affects the European Union, has been in effect since May 2018, which is nearly two and a half years. The CCPA went into … continue reading

premium 3 keys to planning a successful product

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, hearing people talk about the “new normal” has become, well, the new normal. Much has been upended to say the least—and some shifts are extremely relevant to the product development realm. For instance, I predict it will become the “new normal” for restaurants to have their own products … continue reading

What user and market data tell us about the challenges of test coverage today

I am frequently asked this question: “On what devices and browsers should I be testing my mobile and web applications?” It’s a very valid question, because the volume of permutations is vast, and it gets bigger and more fragmented all the time. In 2020 alone we are seeing several major OS platforms debut. These introduce … continue reading

Use Emotional Intelligence before Artificial Intelligence

Process change is more about people than process. At least until processes can be fully automated. During the past decade, I have championed technology-led process improvement initiatives at over a dozen large companies. I have seen process improvement implemented successfully primarily when such initiatives were pursued with a healthy mix of technology and human understanding … continue reading

Guest View: The de-evolution of software testing

Software testing is nearing the end of its Cretaceous period.  Personally, I invite the proverbial asteroid to advance its destructive approach so the practice of software testing can continue down its much-needed evolutionary journey. Don’t get me wrong, software testing has not been totally stagnant; it did evolve during its Cretaceous period.  The most significant … continue reading

premium Scrum and SAFe: Four tips for Scrum masters

As Agile software development continues to take hold across all industries, along with DevOps practices and tooling, refining the delivery of products and services is increasingly the focus for many firms. Ensuring business goals and customer requirements are being met is key to software delivery. This requires detailed planning and organization of all teams working … continue reading

What value stream management isn’t

There are a few definitions of “value stream management” floating around out there. Most seem pretty good, but they are necessarily very broad and maybe vague. That’s because value stream management is a very broad concept. Given the hype around these 3 words, and how it’s often shortened to 2 words, there is a lot … continue reading

Guest View: Data-driven software development — cloud-native, open source, and collaborative

Data is more available than ever before, and copious amounts of new data are collected every day. But if there’s one major impediment to helping organizations unlock the full value of their data, it’s the fact that data hasn’t truly been democratized. In large part, data is simply not accessible for far too many professionals … continue reading

premium In the wake of COVID-19, the offshoring model must change

With a market greater than US$50 billion in India alone, there is no denying the offshoring model works. It helps companies test, develop and bring digital products – like many of the gadgets, apps and technologies we use today – to market in a relatively cost-effective manner. That said, it’s no secret that the COVID-19 … continue reading

premium User feedback can be found in unlikely places

In 2013, customer experience firm Walker released a report in which it predicted that by 2020, user experience would be the key differentiator for brands, and price and product would become less important to users when choosing among different digital services. Well, 2020 is here, and that prediction seems to have been pretty accurate. In … continue reading

Skills that matter for software developers looking to get hired

The world may seem like it is on pause as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, but technology is still advancing and the skills gap between talent and job requirements is widening.  Microsoft estimates that there will be 149 million new technology jobs by 2025. There will be 1 million new jobs for privacy and trust, 6 … continue reading

premium Don’t throw away that throwaway code

Want to quickly know how good a project manager is? Here is an old consultant’s trick: Ask a programmer on the team how much throwaway code he or she used during the last project. A good 80/20 rule is the more throwaway code used during development, the better the project manager. Throwaway code refers to … continue reading

It’s critical to keep your open-source components up to date and secure

The recently released 2020 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) report, produced by the Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC), found that of more than 1,250 codebases analyzed in 2019, not only did virtually 100% have some open-source components, but also that an average of 70% of the code was open source, nearly double the … continue reading

premium Application stability: The missing link in next-gen app deployment

It’s a new age for software development, defined by the rise of mobile applications and iterative development releases. Today’s fast-paced development environment doesn’t slow down for anyone. If monitoring tools don’t work to promote speed and agility for the teams using them, then new solutions must be found. As a result of this mindset, mature … continue reading

Contact tracing apps need to establish trust to be effective

As the world tries to fight the coronavirus pandemic, contact tracing is a key practice for preventing outbreaks. Contact tracing is the method of contacting every person an infected person might have had close contact with and getting them tested so they don’t go out and unknowingly spread the virus. While much of this tracing … continue reading

premium Feature experimentation: Walk before you run

Software innovation doesn’t happen without taking risks along the way. But risks can be scary for businesses afraid of making mistakes.  There is another way, according to Jon Noronha, senior vice president of product at Optimizely, a progressive delivery and experimentation platform provider. Feature experimentation, he said, allows businesses to go to market quicker while … continue reading

premium Why accessible experiments matter

For software development teams, moving fast is key. But so is the confidence that you’re building the right thing in the first place. To reduce uncertainty, product and engineering teams are running more experiments across websites, apps, and every level of the stack to gain valuable data and real user feedback, enabling them to deliver … continue reading

Jamstack brings front-end development back into focus

Businesses that want to attract, engage and retain more online customers need to provide an exceptional front-end solution. It’s the first thing users see when they come to a website, and it’s the first impression digital businesses can give.  Traditionally, when front ends are coupled with the back end, developers have to be full-stack experts … continue reading

Forrester’s recommendations for building a successful continuous testing capability

Organizations are moving to continuous testing (CT) out of necessity because business competitiveness demands faster release cycles. In fact, teams can’t deliver on the promises of DevOps and CI/CD if testing isn’t part of continuous processes and the pipeline. Forrester Research VP and principal analyst Diego Lo Giudice and some of his colleagues, recently published … continue reading

Continuous testing isn’t optional anymore

DevOps and CI/CD practices are maturing as organizations continue to shrink application delivery cycles. A common obstacle to meeting time-to-market goals is testing, either because it has not yet been integrated throughout the SDLC or certain types of testing are still being done late in the SDLC, such as performance testing and security testing. Forrester … continue reading

premium Microservices and APIs: The path to agility

It’s often been said that digital transformation is not a destination, but a journey. In the past, that journey was fraught with complications and the risk of downtime as legacy systems were retired and replaced. Today, however, steering legacy systems into the digital age has been made simpler through the introduction of microservices and APIs.  … continue reading

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