The best way to deliver great app experiences consistently is to have visibility and control over what’s happening in production. In today’s real-time world, organizations can’t afford gaps between software development and IT ops. While a DevOps process helps bridge the gap, developers need to understand what’s happening in production and be able to intervene … continue reading
Many organizations have adopted DevOps, but their results vary because some teams have been unable to optimize production-related processes and collaboration. For example, in some companies, developers build applications and deploy them into production. At other business- es, operations professionals have had to learn how to code. Even when teams have a healthy balance of … continue reading
Return Policy Guide is a website that aggregates the policies of many major retailers, so if a customer is unhappy with his purchase, he can learn how to most effectively return the product and get his money back. The site handles a ton of data, from the individual policies themselves, to ads on the site, … continue reading
There are three steps when it comes to setting up test automation in your development organization: Creation, maintenance and continuous. While these three steps may seem straightforward, Mark Lambert, vice president of strategic initiatives at Parasoft, explained there are specific challenges that arise with each step. Creation: Here, organizations not only have to figure out … continue reading
The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a great tool for establishing agile and Lean best practices across an enterprise. It provides an overarching architecture for aligning development, quality assurance and other functions to produce a faster workflow and to boost performance across the board. There is an important missing link, though. To date the SAFe … continue reading
According to a recent Deloitte report on post COVID-19 enterprise implications, “…the pandemic is reshaping the global business landscape and fundamentally changing how people around the world live and work… However, every new normal eventually gets replaced by a new new normal, so in our view it makes sense to call the post-COVID business environment … continue reading
Traditional application security is different in two key ways from what has come to be known as DevSecOps. First, modern software companies are integrating application security into their DevOps pipelines, so security becomes part of the flow. Second, it’s also about DevOps being built into application security. Patrick Carey, who leads product strategy in the … continue reading
Blue Compass is an Iowa-based digital marketing agency specializing in website development and SEO. As such, according to development manager David Wanat, they take care of “everything beyond the design of the site” on the back end. Not only that, but Wanat also said he is responsible for ensuring the data is good, whether it’s … continue reading
It began last January with a column I wrote titled “The little dirty data secret,” which shone a light on the issue of data quality — or lack thereof — within many organizations. I called it the dirty little secret because of a reluctance on the part of many to even acknowledge they had a … continue reading
Remote working has become the new normal for many, especially those in the development world where work can easily be done in a remote setting. But continuous working from home does come with some downsides, such as burnout. In a webinar sponsored by Devtech Group, innovation consultant Nils Vesk explained 14 of the most common … continue reading
For years, EDI (electronic document interchange) has allowed businesses to exchange documents with their partners from computer to computer in a standardized format. And this has worked well. With the explosion of APIs that now are used for data and document exchange, some companies are finding that their EDI solutions are coming up short, lacking … continue reading
Remember when a bookstore was just a bookstore? A bank held your cash in a vault? Or if you wanted to catch a ride, you just hailed a cab? Today, every one of these industries and more have been revolutionized by technology. Whether it’s tech-first players like Amazon, PayPal, and Uber or legacy enterprises seeking … continue reading
About a decade ago, application testing was fairly straightforward, albeit a manual effort and somewhat of a drag on delivery. Tests cases were written, functional and UI tests were done, regression, pen and load testing would happen, and the application was deemed ‘good to go.’ Today’s digital world of APIs, open-source components, mobile devices, IoT … continue reading
Effective mobile app testing is even more important today than it was before COVID-19 hit. These days, mobile app experiences impact which brands and services customers choose and how productive work-from-home employees can be. To ensure the highest performance and scalability of apps ranging from enterprise productivity to games, teams serious about product quality choose … continue reading