Industry Spotlight: Micro Focus ALM suite revs up agile and waterfall development alike

Enterprises are approaching DevOps and Agile ALM at various paces and from myriad directions. With quality control at its center, the Micro Focus ALM Suite is aimed at helping organizations at all levels of adoption to produce software applications effectively, efficiently, and collaboratively, and at enterprise scale, regardless of methodologies. “We’ve been helping our customers … continue reading

Tasktop helps enable successful DevOps

Complexity stands in the way of effective DevOps, especially among large, regulated companies. Some of the world’s most successful organizations employ thousands of developers, in addition to testers, QA engineers, product owners and operations personnel. The amount of artifacts, such as features, requirements, test cases and defects in any one area, can be overwhelming, let … continue reading

Micro Focus eases DevOps transitions

Implementing and scaling enterprise DevOps can be a lot more challenging than building it from scratch. While cloud-based startups use their DevOps capabilities to disrupt industries and change competitive landscapes, large enterprises struggle with DevOps transitions. Micro Focus (formerly HPE Software) helps enterprises ease DevOps adoption so they can meet their goals of delivering higher … continue reading

Improve software releases with JFrog

As software release cycles accelerate, DevOps teams lose insight into what they actually released. The higher levels of automation necessary to speed software delivery also accelerate the delivery of bugs. With JFrog, DevOps teams get the insight and control needed to improve release management effectiveness. “Release cycles can happen thousands of times an hour and … continue reading

Compuware: Use modern tools on mainframe apps

Large enterprises often struggle to build and maintain their mainframe applications, typically written in COBOL. Older COBOL developers are retiring from the workforce and the applications — many developed decades ago— are without documentation, often complex and difficult to understand. Compuware has developed a novel approach to this problem, initially addressing its own challenges, and … continue reading

CA unlocks the power of DevOps

Different companies face different challenges as they adopt DevOps practices and endeavor to improve them.  Some companies have trouble acquiring the tools they need to be successful; others struggle with the necessary cultural adjustments. CA Technologies provides the widest array of highly automated solutions necessary to build and optimize integrated workflows across application development, delivery … continue reading

Industry Spotlight: Delivering a flawless application

Creating a flawless application that pleases all customers is much more complicated than traditional software, said Antoine Aymer, a mobile technologist at HPE. This is because the concept of user experience (UX) goes beyond a clean user interface and design. Organizations need to address expectations of the user, like how usable is the application and … continue reading

Industry Spotlight: Enterprise agile coming of age

Businesses are struggling to stay relevant as the pace of business continues to accelerate and disruptive innovation becomes norm. To compete more effectively, leading companies are pushing Agile practices out from development teams to IT and the organization at large. They’re also integrating internal systems in unprecedented ways to better leverage their software and information … continue reading

Industry Spotlight: Red Hat reduces IoT tradeoffs

Organizations rolling out the IoT usually aren’t prepared for the additional complexity. With the IoT, data volumes grow exponentially, infrastructure management gets more complicated and the security vulnerabilities increase disproportionately. Nevertheless, IT departments are expected to handle all these changes competently without proportional increases in budget or other resources. With Red Hat’s expert assistance, IT … continue reading

SD Times 2017 Testing Showcase

Continuous testing. Automated testing. Artificial testing. Service virtualization. Test-driven development. These are among the many technologies available to organizations looking to bring their testing up to the speed of software development. Ensuring quality can no longer be the drag on software deployment, if businesses want to stay competitive and be able to take advantage of … continue reading

Tricentis enables Continuous Testing

Agile and DevOps practices make Continuous Testing essential. Yet, software testing is still dominated by legacy tools and outdated processes. Recent studies show that enterprise test automation rates average 20% overall, with Agile adopters at 26% to 30%. Using Tricentis‘ innovative functional testing technologies, enterprises can achieve unprecedented test automation rates of 90% or better … continue reading

HPE tools help weather seismic shifts in enterprise testing

It’s an interesting time for the application space. The pressures being put on enterprise development teams have accelerated to a point unseen in the past. The technologies and architectures patterns that are designed to help teams become more agile today are putting a level of complexity into the equation. New software service areas, not the … continue reading

With TechExcel’s TestDev, it’s game on

With Agile development becoming so widely adopted and timelines being shorter in general for all types of development, testing solutions must test more efficiently, understand which areas are higher risk, and step up and deliver in the increasingly complex enterprise testing and production environment. TechExcel’s main customer base is the gaming industry, and it’s begun … continue reading

With Appvance it’s AI all the time

Manual testing is still the biggest part of the application testing industry, even though functional test automation has been around for over 25 years. Overviews from IDC to Gartner support this, showing that roughly 85-90 percent of QA testing globally is still manual. “This would seem to be a disappointment, and the reason is the … continue reading

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