Hoppscotch – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

Hoppscotch is an open source API development platform intended as an alternative to tools like Postman and Insomnia.  It features a minimalistic UI design with customizable theming, such as a distraction-free mode.  Hoppscotch can be used as a cloud-hosted web app, a self-hosted desktop app, or run through the command line.  One of the key … continue reading

DevPod – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

DevPod is a tool for creating and managing development environments without needing a server-side setup. It can be used as an open-source alternative to GitHub Codespaces, JetBrains Spaces, or Google Cloud Workstations.  Environments run in containers and can be spun up wherever there is a need, such as on a local computer, a cloud machine … continue reading

GraphRAG – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

GraphRAG is an open source research project out of Microsoft for creating knowledge graphs from datasets that can be used in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). RAG is an approach in which data is fed into an LLM to give more accurate responses. For instance, a company might use RAG to be able to use its own … continue reading

Theia IDE – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

Earlier this week, the Eclipse Foundation announced the release of the Theia IDE, which is an open source IDE based on the Theia platform. “The release of Theia IDE represents a new milestone in the world of open source development tools,” said Mike Milinkovich, executive director for the Eclipse Foundation. “By combining flexibility, innovation, and … continue reading

LibreChat – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

LibreChat is an open source project that brings various LLMs into one interface, including models from OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Groq, Anthropic, Mistral and more.  The benefit of using this platform over any one specific platform is that you can utilize one interface for all of your AI needs, whether it’s talking to ChatGPT, generating images … continue reading

Unity Catalog – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

Unity Catalog is an open source governance catalog for data and AI, developed by Databricks and open sourced earlier this week at the company’s Data + AI Summit.  Companies can use it to govern structured and unstructured data, and machine learning models, notebooks, dashboards, and files.  It offers interoperability with any data format and compute … continue reading

OpenAI .NET library – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

Microsoft has announced that OpenAI has created an official library for .NET for the OpenAI API. It includes full support for the OpenAI API, including Assistants v2 and Chat Completions, as well as the latest model, GPT-4o.  With the release of this library, developers will now be able to build their own libraries on top … continue reading

Apache Pinot – SD Times Open Source Project of the Week

Apache Pinot is an open-source analytics platform that utilizes an OLAP database to provide low-latency insights into large amounts of data. OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing and is a method in which data from multiple sources can be used together, allowing companies to group data from websites, applications, internal systems, and more together for … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Phi-3

Phi-3 is a family of open source small language models developed and made available by Microsoft.  “Small language models are designed to perform well for simpler tasks, are more accessible and easier to use for organizations with limited resources, and they can be more easily fine-tuned to meet specific needs. They are well suited for … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Flow-IPC

Flow-IPC is an open-source project created by Akamai to enable developers to instantly make in-memory transfers of data, images, and videos between different applications.  Inter-process communication (IPC) allows different programs to communicate and share data with each other, and it is crucial for distributed low-latency applications. According to Yuri Goldfeld, senior principal software engineer at … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: SurrealDB

SurrealDB is a multi-model database that offers scalability and adaptability so that developers can fit it to their use cases. The project maintainers call it “the ultimate cloud database for tomorrow’s applications.” It reduces development time by eliminating the need for a lot of server-side components required by other databases. The database can also function … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Zed

Zed is a code editor for MacOS with a minimal design that aims to improve developer productivity by being lightweight and simple, with a number of useful features. “Productive coding starts with a tool that stays out of your way. Zed combines the power of an IDE with the responsiveness of a lightweight editor for … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Quill

Quill is an open-source rich text WYSIWYG editor designed to be customizable by the user. It uses a modular architecture to allow the editor’s behavior and functionality to be changed. It officially supports a number of modules that can be added, including Toolbar, Keyboard, History, Clipboard, and Syntax. Each module also has additional configuration options … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: STORM

STORM is an open-source project that can research and develop a full report of a topic, complete with sources. It originated from a paper out of Stanford.  According to the Stanford researchers, there is a disconnect online between “the vast amounts of accessible information and what an individual can realistically assimilate.” They explained that while … continue reading

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