Parasoft Leads Testing Innovation

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused organizations to accelerate their digital transformation strategies. Two of the major trends are supporting a remote workforce and engaging customers primarily, if not exclusively, through digital channels. Critical to employee productivity and customer experience is adequate software testing that requires a high level of automation. “Organizations are figuring out how … continue reading

The Future of Testing is AI: Visual AI

Applications and the environments they live in continue to become more complex. While shift-left testing helps improve app quality, alone it’s not enough to ensure quality as new frameworks and tools emerge. With Applitools AI-powered visual testing and monitoring platform, leading companies are improving app quality, accelerating delivery cycles and reducing the time it takes … continue reading

Automate Mobile Testing with Kobiton

Organizations are automating more types of tests to keep pace with DevOps and CI/CD, but they all face a common challenge which is automating mobile testing. “Getting to automation is a big challenge with mobile,” said Frank Moyer, CTO at Kobiton. “It’s painful, because unlike the web world where there’s a W3C specification for HTML, … continue reading

Software Testing Showcase

Applitools is on a mission to help test automation, DevOps, and software engineering teams release mobile and web apps that are visually perfect. The company provides the only commercial-grade, visual AI-based test cloud that instantly validates any application’s user interface in a fully automated manner, across all customer engagement points and digital platforms – using … continue reading

Fix Penetration Testing Finds Faster

If you want to know whether your code is truly secure, it needs to be penetration (pen) tested. White hat pentesters can identify application vulnerabilities before bad actors exploit them, leaving you to remediate bugs proactively. Traditionally, developers and pentesters have both suffered from a lack of direct communication because, among things, pentesting is too … continue reading

Putting developers into application security

Making security easy for developers, in their preferred tools, while still generating reports for the CISO is a challenge many organizations face today, when the reality is that late-stage security approaches can’t plug vulnerabilities deep within applications. Yet putting the onus squarely on developers is a gamble, as many aren’t knowledgeable about certain kinds of … continue reading

Taming heterogeneous tooling into cohesion

Over the last two decades, the swing of the pendulum from monolithic global tooling to highly specific tooling unique to each group and their needs has led to the birth of the tooling suite; the daisy chain of tools never intended to be linked together. One of the main challenges that has emerged is a … continue reading

CData emerges as a data connectivity platform — without the platform

With the explosion of data from today’s increasingly complex systems, the issue of data connectivity becomes more important than ever. CData, which has grown as a provider of drivers for data connectivity, is positioned for growth as a data connectivity platform — just without the platform. Instead, CData is focused on bringing data connectivity capabilities … continue reading

Business and DevOps value streams need better alignment’s 2020 State of Agile report revealed that over half of its survey respondents either had implemented or were planning to implement value stream management (VSM). But despite its popularity, in many organizations it has fallen into the same trap as many new development methodologies — it’s not being implemented 100% correctly. Often, VSM is … continue reading

DevOps Report: Testing is Everything

DevOps teams often struggle to meet speed and quality goals simultaneously. Intelligent test automation company mabl just released its 2020 State of DevOps Report based on a survey of 1,000 software professionals, including testers and QA professionals (59%) as well as developers and engineers (34%). The key takeaway is that manual testing doesn’t cut it. … continue reading

Value stream is not as easy as it seems

It is time to start rethinking your value streams.  Lance Knight, COO of ConnectALL, said the industry is making value stream management sound so much simpler than it really is, when in reality it requires teams to start thinking deeper and differently about how their work flows.  The problem is that organizations are looking at … continue reading

To fly slow or blind? A dilemma for developers

According to research recently published by Digital Enterprise Journal, organizations are losing $2,129,000 per month, on average, due to delays in application releases. This creates a tough choice for development teams, who are depending on fresh logs and metrics from those releases to guide their data-driven development processes forward. In other words, there’s what I like … continue reading

Staying in sync with your data

Data has become more important than ever as businesses look to gain new insights and bring new value to customers. The problem, however, is an overwhelming amount of data between the tens if not hundreds of SaaS services, databases, and file formats being used.  “If you can’t connect to that data, then you can’t govern … continue reading

Developers buying in to security tasks

Security has become enough of a drumbeat issue that its importance has trickled down from the CISOs through the security organization to software developers. And slowly but surely, developers are beginning to take ownership of security as a part of the development life cycle. But this heightened awareness of security hasn’t necessarily led to better … continue reading

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