By now, you and your teams of developers have dipped their toes into every waterfall, every agile pond, and quite a few DevOps rainbows. From pair programing and burndown charts to story times and scrum meetings, you probably feel as though you’ve heard of every type of agile practice there is. (Related: Agile works when employees are … continue reading
LaunchKit wants to help mobile app developers create, launch and monitor their applications with web-based tools it has recently released as open source. The company’s suite of products include a screenshot builder, app website builder, review monitor and sales reporter. Screenshot builder allows developers to create images for app stores. App website builder enables developers … continue reading
Scrum has been around for the past 21 years, with fueling and supporting the methodology since 2009. According to the organization, today about 90% of teams use Scrum, and more than 1 million people have taken the assessments. But with the recent innovations and ever-changing trends in the software development space, is there … continue reading
Hackathons are great for developers who want to collaborate on their software projects, but getting a good project up and running can take some time. Getting everything from picking a programming language down to creating a repository or website for the code and project itself is a lot for one person to handle. Sahat Yalkabov, … continue reading
With Pokémon Go rapidly becoming the top mobile application in the United States, we decided to feature a GitHub project that aims to take the game to the next level. The idea of Pokémon Go is that users will have to leave their house in order to scout out and capture Pokémon. There are different … continue reading
While you are trying to catch ‘em all, Pokémon Go is catching all your data. According to security researchers, the increasingly popular mobile application is posing a huge security risk to users. The problem is that in order to play, you need to sign in through your or Google account, giving the application full … continue reading
If you live in anywhere in the U.S., perhaps this weekend you may have noticed herds of people wandering the streets, staring at their phones and searching for something. Those somethings were Pokémon, and those people were trying to catch ‘em all. Even if you don’t like video games, this is a watershed moment for … continue reading
LexisNexis is a provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. The group is also responsible for HPCC Systems (High Performance Computer Cluster), a massive, open-source parallel-processing computing platform for the world of Big Data. It’s also made its way into this week’s featured GitHub project. The Big Data tool was open-sourced in 2011 … continue reading
Imagine if someone had come up to your cubicle in 1980 and asked about preserving your company’s software for the long term as a museum exhibit. What if they’d asked you to make that code available to the world, like a book in a library? What if they used the term “Antique Software?” More than … continue reading
It’s difficult to find conferences these days that don’t take a Steve Jobs approach to the keynote, or a Marc Benioff approach to amenities and concerts. This week’s Red Hat Summit, however, cut its own path through Valley conference norms. While this was the company’s largest Summit yet held, it was also a new approach … continue reading
Trying to learn a programming language as extensive as JavaScript can be complex and confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Since JavaScript is so widely used and so well known, there are plenty of resources developers can access; and if the wide variety of documents are too boring…there are even some games! WarriorJS is … continue reading
There was a time in the last century when Slashdot was the Reddit of the Internet. There was a time when SourceForge was GitHub. And still, yes, there is a time when these and other Internet media properties were owned and operated by good actors, seeking to foster community and open-source development. In 2011, Freecode, … continue reading
How a user interacts with an app or their smartphone is critical in today’s multi-touch technology world. While there are plenty of new technologies being introduced every day, smartphone users still have the same common gestures: tapping, swiping and zooming. This week’s GitHub project aims to “jazz up” these usual interactions and gives more customization … continue reading
Today marks another year for the National Women in Engineering Day, an awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus on all the opportunities that are available for women or girls in the industry. The theme of this year’s day of recognition is #RaisingProfiles, and it celebrates some of the top … continue reading