Evaluating if serverless is right for you

The allure of serverless is attracting a number of businesses and development teams.   A recent report from the Cloud Foundry Foundation revealed 51 percent of respondents are either using or evaluating serverless, with 18 percent of them doing it at scale. For businesses, it is about an on-demand price model as opposed to upfront costs. … continue reading

Companies to Watch 2020

This year’s Companies to Watch in 2020 really highlights the seismic shifts that have been occurring in our industry. While the seminal development steps of project management, code notation and debugging are represented, so are serverless management, containerization and APIs. These companies are making products that set them apart in a crowded landscape, and are … continue reading

Test automation: Tools don’t work

I know—it’s a pretty startling statement, especially coming from someone who’s worked in the test automation industry for nearly two decades now. But it’s the truth.  Sure, you can probably download (or sign up for) a test automation tool in less time than it takes to read this article, automate some happy paths through an … continue reading

Widespread adoption of embedded and IoT technologies is increasing software product development risks

These days, everything is connected. From smart houses filled with smart appliances to connected cars packed with hundreds of sensors, the Internet of Things (IoT) has moved beyond disruption to become a mainstay of daily life. With this massive opportunity, device makers are attempting to rush all kinds of connected products to market. Getting there, … continue reading

The problem with data

As any business leader will tell you, data is the lifeblood of organizations operating in the 21st century. A company’s ability to effectively gather and use data can make all the difference in its success. But a number of factors can compromise data’s health, making it unmanageable and therefore unusable for today’s businesses. Specifically, data … continue reading

How I learned to stop worrying about incidents and love on-call

In early 2014, Atlassian started the process of rebuilding our core products as modern “cloud native” applications. This was a big change that required careful planning and execution across most of the company. One complicated issue was figuring out how to streamline user management across our SaaS products. Eventually we were ready. As we rolled … continue reading

Digital transformation: One release at a time

As digital technologies dramatically reshape every industry, businesses have to adapt quickly and cost efficiently in response to the rapid changes in the marketplace. This need for business agility has dramatically increased the volume of change for IT.  Adopting Agile methodologies and continuous integration is the first logical step in satisfying the “need for speed.” … continue reading

Be (AI) smarter about your digital transformation

“Successful digital transformation is like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. It’s still the same organism, but it now has superpowers.” George Westerman, principal research scientist at the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, first used the now popular analogy two years ago to explain the changes businesses were going through. But, over the last … continue reading

Simplifying microservices with a service mesh

In the world of software, things are getting smaller all the time: smaller teams, smaller bits of code, smaller releases, smaller places for code to live and execute (containers). The point of getting smaller is to allow your organization to think bigger by getting the most advantage out of cloud resources and bringing more value … continue reading

The feature launch in 5 key phases: A DevOps cheat sheet

The process of launching a new feature has changed a lot over the last decade. Ten years ago, a feature launch was commonly tied to code release. This meant that when the release branch was merged into master and pushed to production, new features riding on that branch would be launched to customers.  RELATED CONTENT:  … continue reading

Azure targets innovation over domination

The Azure development team at Microsoft is working to provide new features to win over more developers, through a heavy investment in tools for migrating legacy platforms to its cloud, pushing machine learning, quantum computing and other innovative features. Microsoft hopes its investments will pay off in growing its cloud market share, which currently sits … continue reading

Moving to the cloud

The winds are shifting in the industry, and enterprises are clear for takeoff to the cloud. It’s no longer a question of should you move to the cloud. Nowadays, you need a good reason not to be in the cloud, according to Ken Corless, a principal with Deloitte Consulting in its cloud practice. In a … continue reading

Low-code’s a rapidly rising sector, but will it disappear?

Every week, we have one or two “briefing days” in which we schedule as many as eight one-hour discussions with various technology vendors in our broad coverage area that spans everything from cognitive to customer experience platforms — and everything in between. It’s always fascinating to see the mix of companies we talk to week-to-week. … continue reading

Low-code for mobile: Toys or tools?

Mobile developers tend to be skeptical about the effectiveness of low-code tools when they know exactly what native iOS and Android development takes. In fact, some developers are so turned off by low-code platforms that the very mention of them triggers a passionate response. “Low-code is bad enough, but low-code for mobile is even worse. … continue reading

Multigrain services: Micro vs. mini vs. macro

Many organizations say they are moving to microservices, but Gartner says that by the end of 2019, 90 percent of them will think microservices are too disruptive and switch to other methods, such as miniservices. In the meantime, enterprises are looking at how to transition away from monolithic apps, not knowing that microservices may not … continue reading

Web development: So many choices to get the right fit

It is an interesting time to be a web developer. On one hand, the web today provides a wealth of information, giving developers easy access to a number of resources useful when running into a problem or wanting to update their skills. Additionally, there are so many advancements being made to programming languages and technologies … continue reading

Bootcamps and MOOCs are picking up STEAM

Coding boot camps and massive online open courses (MOOCs) are often called a “fast track” to well-paying tech jobs. The courses cost significantly less for tuition, and they run for three to six months on average. The average boot camp tuition is around $11, 874.  “Learners need transformative learning and valuable credentials at an affordable … continue reading

Reskilling developers for the new software landscape

Software changes fast, and developers will need to vigilantly reskill their workers to maintain competence in the highly competitive arena. Reskilling includes learning new programming languages, containerization, big data and working with the most significant tech disruptor: automation. “There’s a growing awareness that the half-life of any technology skill is about two to three years. … continue reading

premium 3 pillars to lead your team through DevOps maturity

Many teams are now making the move to DevOps, and there is good reason: using DevOps practices helps enable teams to be more responsive to market changes. They can deploy code more quickly and more safely, and with less fear of breaking production. The industry is catching on to the benefits of DevOps as well. … continue reading

premium Empathy drives software experience design

The acceleration of technology has directly influenced the digital customer’s behavioral patterns, driving enterprises to develop products and services that continue to meet constantly changing demand. Software companies and ISVs cannot afford to take a business-centric approach to push products into the market. It is imperative to fully integrate the customer into the design process … continue reading

premium Man and machine learning: Data projects and the opportunities for developers

As businesses increasingly move their operations to the cloud, they’re recognizing the potential to harness the almost limitless compute power available and tap into artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to deliver insights and value to the business that were previously beyond their reach. Businesses have never been in a better position to create value … continue reading

Six steps for making a successful transition to a cloud-native architecture

Cloud native has become one of the biggest trends in the software industry. It has already changed the way we think about developing, deploying and operating software products. The cloud-native paradigm for application development has come to consist of microservices architecture, containerized services, orchestration and distributed management. Organizations across every industry want to remain competitive, … continue reading

premium The rise of Kotlin

New programming languages are created every year, but seldom do they gain the attention of developers like JetBrains’ Kotlin has over the last couple of years. Kotlin is a general-purpose, statically typed programming language designed for the Java Virtual Machine, Android, browsers and native solutions. It was created by JetBrains’ language designer Andrey Breslav and … continue reading

There’s a diversity problem in the tech industry and it’s not getting any better

In the past several years, the tech industry seems to have tried to put more effort into promoting and increasing diversity. But are those initiatives actually working? In many aspects, it seems that the answer is no; things aren’t actually getting any better. According to a 2018 report from the National Center for Women & … continue reading

Privacy as a service

Many Americans seem resigned to not having control over their data profiles on the Internet. As larger and more sophisticated data breaches are reported in growing numbers, and companies such as Facebook and Google engage in mysterious data activities, technology users are left not knowing who’s got their data, or what they’re going to do … continue reading

GDPR one year later: Slow compliance, lax enforcement

It’s been one year since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. The regulation completely changes how organizations need to handle the data of European Union citizens. The impact of the GDPR, though, has been minimal to this point. Compliance has been slow, enforcement has been lax, and organizations are finding that learning … continue reading

Shifting left for better security? It’s just as important to shift right too

There’s been a lot of talk lately in security and development circles about the need to shift left in the software development lifecycle—and rightly so. By bringing security into the picture from the beginning, you can catch weak designs and bugs earlier, when they’re cheaper and easier to fix. So far, so good. But does … continue reading

With microservices, more isn’t always better

The benefits of microservices are undeniable. Software development companies want to be able to deliver software rapidly, frequently and reliably — and microservices are a means to that end. A recent O’Reilly Media report found that more than 50 percent of software projects are currently using microservices. Of those surveyed, 86 percent have found at … continue reading

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