SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Open Source Society University

Want to expand or refresh your computer science knowledge, but don’t want to pay or go back to school for it? Become a self-taught computer scientist with the Open Source Society (OSS) University’s “path to free self-taught education.” “This is a solid path for those of you who want to complete a Computer Science course … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Gatsby

Web pages and blogs are pretty common, but they’re still a bit tedious to make even if you know how to make them. Fortunately a GitHub project seeks to make the process much quicker and smoother. Created by Kyle Mathews, cofounder of RelateRocket, Gatsby can take plain text and convert it into a website or … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: PyNES

Nintendo emulation has not been a new thing for more than a decade. But there’s a benefit to being that old: The techniques for making NES games from scratch can be understood. This is where PyNES comes in. Created by Guto Maia, PyNES basically does what its name implies: use Python to create NES assembly … continue reading

SD Times Blog: A tale of two code camps for girls

A lot of the news out of Dreamforce was on new products and services, but things also got a little real when Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, and Jessica Alba, actress, had a “fireside chat” on getting women into tech. As reported by Tess Townsend, among other topics, the two “also spoke about how they … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Marc Benioff vs. Larry Ellison: Who throws the better party?

Let’s compare, if we can for a moment, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. This week, San Francisco played host to its largest conference ever, when 170,000 people attended Dreamforce. Next month, a whole lot of people will be attending Oracle OpenWorld as well. I expect somewhere between 50,000 and 75,000. Any … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: iOS 9 Sampler

iOS 9 was released a few days ago, and developers are still working out what it can do. One such developer, Shuichi Tsutsumi, has come up with a handy list of code examples for the new mobile OS. All in all, there are more than a dozen examples, ranging from simple new fonts to complex … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Predictions that didn’t work out

Steve Yegge recently posted a piece where he took to task his own predictions from 2004. I thought it would be fun to take a gander at some of the predictions pundits have made about programming over the years, and see just how wrong or right they were. If you’ve spent any time at all … continue reading

SD Times Blog: How Apple’s 3D Touch changes UIs

Apple introduces a number of new products this week, but behind all of them was the new 3D Touch technology. This UI paradigm adds a number of tap-types to the users’ retinue of touches and gestures, but what does it mean for developers? Al Hilwa, program director for software development research at IDC, said, “3D … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: StarCraft

We’ve seen Flash versions of Super Mario Bros., Tetris and more. We’ve even heard of DOOM on an Intellivision. Now there’s another big step in porting games: StarCraft for HTML5. Created by Ryuta, StarCraft is exactly what it looks like, though it’s not complete just yet. Each component of the game, from menus to sound … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Learn a new language over the long weekend

Welcome to another long weekend. What better time to learn the very basics of a new language? We’ve got a host of links below to some tutorials, so dive in and learn you some Ruby, Python, COBOL, FORTRAN, Factor, or whatever! Looking for a fun way to learn Ruby? Try Ruby is a great place … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Hack

A new typeface designed for source code has developers all excited. Hack, created by programmer Chris Simpkins, is intended for developers to use with any modern font editing tool, and it allows them to customize it for their needs. “No frills. No gimmicks. Hack is hand-groomed and optically balanced to be a workhorse face for … continue reading

SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Free Code Camp

Learn how to code, for free, through real-world experiences, and with access to a community of programmers. That is the goal of this week’s featured GitHub Project: Free Code Camp. According to a recent survey by Stack Overflow, almost half of developers are self-taught. Being able to teach yourself how to write code is a … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Google hires programmer based on his search

Google is taking its recruiting efforts to its search engine, looking for programmers who search for particular programming terms. When Max Rosett, an aspiring computer engineer, took to Google search to get help on his project, he found himself on the other side of a two-sided mirror being cross-examined by Google without even knowing it. … continue reading

SD Times Blog: OpenStack takes center stage

Mirantis and its competitors were in full selling mode this week. The company was in Santa Clara to exhibit at the OpenStack Silicon Valley conference, and to show off its brand new US$100 million investment from Ericsson and Intel. While Mirantis’ investment was big news at the show, listening to the conversations and speaking to … continue reading

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