C# is making its way past Java as the most popular programming language in the workplace, according to SD Times readers. While Java sits on top of the TIOBE Programming Community index for August 2015, with C# coming in at No. 4, our latest poll shows C# is the No. 1 language used in the … continue reading
Intel’s assistive context-aware toolkit (ACAT) is being made free to the public through open-source code. ACAT was designed to help Stephen Hawking, who suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), communicate. Hawking was a key contributor to the project’s design and validation, according to the company. After the system was developed, Intel decided to turn its … continue reading
It really doesn’t matter what else Intel talked about at its 15th Intel Developer Forum after it announced its Optane technology. The technology, known as 3D XPoint, is said by Intel to be 1,000x faster and more durable than existing NAND flash memory. Optane will be the brand name under which 3D XPoint will be … continue reading
GitHub is making the jump from Web-based platform to desktop collaboration. This week’s GitHub Project of the Week is not a project at all, but the next natural extension of GitHub’s open-source platform itself. The repository-hosting service has become the social collaboration hub for open-source development, and with the announcement of GitHub Desktop, it looks … continue reading
When visiting Manhattan, it is incumbent upon the tourist to visit the museum district. Along Central Park East lie the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim, the Frick and the Cooper Hewitt. Downtown, there’s the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and dozens of other institutions dedicated to topics ranging from painting to photography to radio … continue reading
Your teams have taken a lot of time to ensure your super secret systems are super secret, right? Thanks to Black Hat 2015, all that work to prove a system is secure and reliable is going to have to be redone. Christopher Domas, security researcher at the Battelle Memorial Institute, metaphorically dropped the mic and … continue reading
Da-dum…da-dum…da-dum da-dum da-dum da-dum… It’s JAWS, the combined JavaScript + Amazon Web Services stack surfacing in a great white way on GitHub this week. JAWS is a “monstrously scalable,” server-free Web application boilerplate using bleeding-edge AWS services. The stack provides new AWS tools for developers to build large scalable Web applications in JavaScript. The stack … continue reading
Conferences can be mundane, especially if you attend one alone. Attendees fall into patterns of waking up, eating at a set time, sitting in set classes with a set schedule of things to talk about, and having a lot of set conversations. But the keynote that took place earlier this morning at Agile2015 tried to … continue reading
A few years back, I did a blog entry called “The best music for coding.” It featured (mostly) my favorite music that did not include lyrics. It was a list of songs I liked rather than music that had any particular bent towards actual technology, programming or nerdery. Today, I present you with a list … continue reading
I have, for some truly inexplicable reason, spent a lot of time in the company of IP lawyers in the past month. This includes software industry folks, professors, and even a general counsel for the MPAA. I am not a lawyer, I don’t often wear suits, and I was thrown out of a few colleges … continue reading
This week’s featured GitHub project was created with the mantra that building HTML5 games should be just as fun as playing them. Phaser is an open-source 2D game framework for building HTML5 games to run on desktop and mobile browsers. The framework supports Canvas and WebGL rendering, and games can be compiled to Android and … continue reading
It’s that time of year again: Black Hat and Defcon are upon us! That means your systems are all in danger, and your applications should be afraid. Not only will there be (and has already been) an endless stream of new exploits dropped at the shows, but the weekend of Defcon is, effectively, open season … continue reading
Builds are taking less and less time, according to a new SD Times poll of its readers. In a software development life cycle relying increasingly on automated build tools with an emphasis on speed, full production software builds have gone from taking hours and days to minutes and seconds. In our recent poll, 35% of … continue reading
JavaScript is empowering JavaScript to build a 3D JavaScript conceptual city. If that sounds meta, it’s because this week’s featured GitHub project, JSCity, is an implementation of the CodeCity source-code visualization environment brought to life with three.js, the popular JavaScript library enabling 3D visualizations, to illustrate facets of the JavaScript programming language as the infrastructure … continue reading