SD Times rang in 2019 with a January issue cover declaring this the year of value stream management. The hype machine is in high gear, touting the benefits of removing waste from your production process and assessing every piece of work you do to make sure it’s providing value. The work of W.E. Deming is … continue reading
AI has become such a buzzword that many test tool vendors are using the term without actually having any AI. It’s become a serious issue for the software industry, as it has for other industries. Customers need to realize there’s probably more hype than reality in most of what test solution vendors are saying. “When … continue reading
Agile and DevOps is all about managing change through continuous improvements in people, processes and technologies to deliver high-quality software as fast as possible. However, since the invention of software, one hurdle that remains the same is the software testing process. A survey shared with the SD Times community reports that 70% of organizations have … continue reading
Have you thought about what your future looks like when you’re managing hundreds of containers and microservices that make up a single version of your software solution? Let’s just say, you’re going to need more than an Excel spreadsheet. Containers and microservices are game-changers in terms of how we develop and deliver software. In the … continue reading
Today’s developers build complex applications designed to run in complex environments. Since the mix of proprietary, third-party and open source software is constantly changing, they need an APM solution that can adapt with their technology while providing full, end-to-end traceability. Using traditional APM solutions, configurations must be done manually if they’re possible to do at … continue reading
For the past 30 years, developers have trusted Infragistics to improve their productivity. As app design trends shifted from function-focused to delighting end users with great experiences, Infragistics led the way with tools for developers and designers that enable them to be more innovative and productive alone and together as part of a design-lead process. … continue reading
There are two sides to the low-code/no-code story. The more widely discussed angle is the tools’ ability to create citizen developers – tech-savvy business people who use the visual drag-and-drop components to create simple line-of-business applications. The other side of the story is how low-code and no-code tools can make developers more efficient, by reducing … continue reading
Changes in software development that have led to accelerated delivery cadences are stressing other parts of the application life cycle. This is especially true in organizations adopting microservices architecture, where teams are working autonomously to deliver their software, which by definition relies on communication with other services to form a more complete application. And one … continue reading
Most companies building software tout the great user experiences (UX) they provide, but enterprise users seldom agree. After all, everyday apps are intuitive but enterprise applications still tend to require conformance. With Infragistics Indigo.Design, enterprise designers and developers can cooperatively deliver the kinds of UX outcomes their customers expect. Part of the problem is the … continue reading
DevOps is one of those overarching terms that encompasses a number of technologies and techniques. Some consider continuous integration and delivery as the cornerstone of DevOps. Others say you can’t keep pace with Agile development and deployment with automated processes that kick off tests, builds and performance alerts. On the development side, some organizations are … continue reading
The role of APM has traditionally been to flag issues in code that affect performance. To resolve those issues, it has been necessary to understand all the spaghetti code of a monolithic application – written by multiple developers who often do not have an overarching view of the entire application – and then deconstruct that … continue reading
Today’s companies must become software companies to keep pace with competitive pressures and customer demands. As organizations become increasingly software-enabled, their footprints are extending out to cloud environments and the Internet of Things (IoT), increasing application complexity and the associated risks. With Synopsys, software teams can avoid the usual trade-offs between faster time-to-market imperatives, security … continue reading
DevOps continues to gain traction but most organizations are still unable to realize the full potential of its promise because their teams remain siloed using different tools. Most enterprise teams are trying to stitch together 10 or 15 different types of tools, only to discover they lack the visibility and control they need to deliver … continue reading
DevOps and Agile are common practices, but they’re not enough to ensure the timely delivery of value to the business. While DevOps improves software delivery from code commit to code release and Agile improves the ability to create value via improved delivery timeframes, complete insight into the value that software teams deliver tends to go … continue reading